How to cut your hair emo

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Hey guys, I'm back with some advice on how to cut your hair by yourself for the first time or after you've had it done by a hairstylist.

Okay so you'll need a rasor and scissors , a comb ...that's  pretty much all you need.
Don't  use water or any products before cutting your hair.
You gotta start by deciding  on which side do you want your side fringe( bangs) . Look in the mirror.

Now you're  gonna  be like : " what the fuck do I do now ? Is it like a normal fringe ?!" . No . It is totally different.

So what I'm gonna say might sound weird but give it a try.  Imagine a line from the middle of your eyebrow  that goes in your hair , circling you head. And then imagine another line that goes from the end of your ear and intersect the other line . That poin will be very useful.

From there , you have to orientate your hair so that point woudn't  be covered  by hair.

Sometimes that point isn't  really the right one so you gotta adjust  your hair and find a better position to direct you hair. Use your hands to make a parting to your forehead.

The most complicated part is making your bangs/fringe.

If you did things right , you ll be able to see through the hair that falls over your face.

You have ro section your fringe . It wont matter too much , you just have to put it into the perfect position.
Time for fun. Take the razor and stsrt to chop you hair from the nose down to the side. Make sure that the end of your side fringe is almost as long as your normal hair. But not longer than shoulder lenght.

Use the rasor untill you get that nice shape . Just go backwards and forwards  or forwards making little cuts here and there. Use the scisors if your hair is long or you re doing that fringe for the first time.  Dont worry  about how it looks like because you re not done yet.

If you did your fringe on the left side, you re gonna have that little hair that cover you cheek on the right side.  We're gonna take care about thayt later.

Now you gotta start cutting the rest of your hair. To do that you need the razor.
You can start by cutting the tips of your hair. Then, You need to section your hait again ( always keep that parting where it was at the beginning).

The hair on the top of your head ( dome) should be shorter .
You can take little strands of hair and cut em with the rasor  , from the top of the strand ( 5 cm from your skin)  and to its bottom . Do that all around your head. You gotta have about 20 cm ( or more) between the hair on the top of you head and the hair that falls on your shoulders ( for long emo hairstyle) .
First time when i cut my hair emo took me more than an hour. It was after 5 months  I had my hairstyle and I could barely  notice any parting or any fringe!

So if you fringe falls on the left side it means that your hair on the right side of your head should be shorter that the hair on the left side. I ve always loved asymmetric stuff , even now when I don't  have emo hair , I still cut my hair on my own and I make sure it is not symmetric. 

Use the razor and scissors to shorten the hair on the right side and the hair on the very top of your hair  that falls on the left side ( it ll make it fluffier).

The short hair that must over a little bit of your right cheek ( if your side bangs are on the left side) may be cut firstly with the scisors . IMPORTANT  never but never cut it the same way you did with your fringe. Cut it upwards  with the scisors first , then go with the razor and cut it so it ll be longer near the chin/ jaw line.
This is pretty much how I used to do it . I don't  know if it works for everyone. I'd  advice you to watch some videos so you  can see exacrly how to use the razor.

This is how to do the basics. But you can style your emo hair in so many ways and I've  decided to explain exactly how to do your emo hair in future chapters.

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