After grannys

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After we ate out at Granny's. "Regina go take Henry home and I will meet you back there."

"Why? Where are you going?"

"It's a surprise. Don't worry I will be back."

"Okay. I trust you." She said after she kissed me. As soon as she left I texted Hook saying to meet be at the toll bridge. Soon after I sent that he responded 'I will be there.'

'Okay. Good. I have a surprise for you.'

I walked to the toll bridge and Hook was there. "Hi Hook" I hugged him.

"Hi Swan. Why did you meet me here?"

"Because I chose you."

"You do?"

"Yes. Why does that surprise you?"

"Idk. I just thought you would rather chose Regina over me."

"Why would you think that?"

"Idk. Just a feeling." I kissed him. I felt the same sparks I felt with Regina. They both must be my true loves. It's rare. But possible. "Hook, I love you."

"I love you too." Wait what am I doing? I'm a dating both at the same time? I think I am. But that's cheating. But as long as they don't find out what harm is it? I do love them both. With all my heart. My world involves them both. Hook is my pirate. And Regina is my queen. "Swan what's wrong?"

"Nothing Hook. I'm fine. I was just thinking how to tell this to Regina. I don't want to hurt her or you."

"Then date us both. I don't mind. As long as you spend time with me and her equally and no one has to know. It won't cause any harm."

"Are you saying what I think your saying?"

"Yes. I want you to be happy and I don't want you to hurt me or Regina. So just date both of us. And when you finally made a choice break up with one of us. It won't cause any harm. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do."

"Then this well work."

"Okay. Well I have to go back to Regina's. I told her I would meet her there after I told her it was a surprise why I wasn't going back when she did."

"Okay bye Swan." He gave me a goodnight kiss. Man I love him.

I walked all over town trying to think what surprise to give to Regina. Oh I know. Wine. Red wine. Her favorite. After I got it I returned to Regina's house and surprised her with it. "Regina. Where are you?"

"Upstairs Em."

"I have a surprise for you Gin."

"Bring it to me"

"Okay." I brought the bottle of red wine up to her. She was wearing a silky purple night gown. Man she looked so pretty in it. I love her as much I love Hook. How will I ever chose.

"Aww my favorite."

"Yeah I know."

"I love you. "

"I love you too."

"Lets go downstairs and drink it."

"Okay." I really don't know who to chose. If Neal was here it would be even harder. I would have to chose either Neal, Regina, or Hook. There's only one way to chose. Following my heart.

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