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I ran to Mr. Golds pawn shop. Hoping to see him there. Wait why wouldn't he be there. That is his shop after all.

"Mr. Gold. You in here?"

"Yes, dearie I'm in here. This is my shop isn't it?"

"Yes it is. I have a question."

"Of course you do. What is it dearie?"

"Is there a way to clone myself?"

"Clone yourself?"

"Yeah. Make another copy of me. Is it possible?"

"Yeah. But it was never done."

"Clone me. Please?"

"What for?"

"So Regina can have a happy ending and so Hook won't get his feelings hurt."

"While after I clone you Hook and the another Emma would have to leave town."

"What for?"

"So Regina doesn't think your cheating on her with Hook."

"Oh. Where would they go?"

"Somewhere they want."

"So like New York?"

"Yeah if they wanted to."

"Okay great. I will be back later for the cloning. Probably. I should talk to Regina about this. She probably won't mind it since she would be happy and Hook would be happy."

"Your probably right. I will be here waiting for your return. Bye Swan."

"Bye Mr. Gold."

This is great. I could clone myself and everyone will be happy. I get to be in two places at once. With the two people that I love. "Regina I'm home I have great news."

"What is it Em?"

"Mr. Gold said he could make another copy of me. Isn't that great?"

"Yeah because then you would have to chose me or Hook you would have both. But the clone with is going with Hook right?"


"Good 'cuz I like the original more."

"Thanks Gin. I love you. "

"I love you more."

"Not possible."

"Yes possible."

"I love you to infinity and beyond."

"I love you to infinity times infinity and beyond. Some infinitys are bigger than other infinitys."

"Your right. But I love you more."

"Fine you win." She kissed me with even more sparks and I kissed her back like fireworks in the night sky blowing up and making it boom and shooting across the black night sky.

Regina or HookWhere stories live. Discover now