Chapter I

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RING! School started and everyone was on their way to class. As Applejack sat down in her math class, she noticed that a lot of people were talking and whispering to each other.

Pinkie Pie sat next to her, and looked around. "PSST! Applejack! Can you HEAR ME!?" Pinkie whispered loudly.
"Yeah, talk Pinkie," Applejack responded quietly, looking around as well.

"Is it me, or is EVERYONE TALKING ABOUT THE NEW GIRL??" By now Pinkie was up close to Applejack's face, looking at her seriously.

"There's a new girl?" Applejack said, surprised. "Why would someone transfer now? It's our last year in highschool, and it's about to end soon."

"Well, all I know is that Rainbow isn't the "new girl" anymore!" Pinkie pointed out.

"Quiet class," the teacher shushed.

"Yes, Teacher!" Pinkie yelled in her seat, looking like she was about to jump.


It was lunch time, and all the girls met up in the lunchroom. "It seems like everyone can't get enough of the new girl," Twilight said as she sat down.

"Yeah, I noticed that too," Sunset agreed. "I think her name is Rarity."

"That sounds like a nice name," Fluttershy whispered.

"I wonder if she's athletic too!" Rainbow Dash added. "But of course, she's probably not as awesome as me!"

"Have y'all even seen her yet?" Applejack asked. They all nodded no. "Yeah, me neither."

"Well, we can have a slumber party at my house tonight!" Pinkie yelled. "Right after school!" And they all continued eating their lunch, talking about the sleep over.


Applejack opened the door with her bag slung over her shoulder. She greeted the Cakes. "Mr. Cake, Mrs. Cake, howdy!" And she walked towards Pinkie's room.

"HII!!" Pinkie shouted. She was sitting on the floor with her lap top, while Fluttershy and Twilight were talking on the bed. In front of the TV, Rainbow was trying to show Sunset how to play a video game.

"Hi," Applejack said, and joined Pinkie Pie. "Watcha looking at?" Applejack asked.

"I'm trying to look for Rarity's social media accounts," Pinkie replied. Soon, she pressed on a link, and jumped, screaming, "HEY EVERYONE, I FOUND THE NEW GIRL'S I-GRAM ACCOUNT!"

They all gathered around Pinkie's lap top. "Wow, she's pretty," Twilight remarked.

"Yeah, but she doesn't seem like she could play well on the field," Rainbow commented.

"She dresses well," Fluttershy mumbled.

"But she seems kind of.." Applejack scratched her head. "Snooty."

"Well, there's now way to actually know," Sunset said.

"Yeah, let's look at her story!" And she clicked the profile photo, and a picture said,
"Missed my first day of school because I was sick 😔" And later a video appeared, and it was Rarity. She was in a pink robe, and was laying on her bed, covering her eyes. "I'm feeling better, darlings! I think I'm ready to go to my new school tomorrow. Alright, good night!" And then a selfie of her appeared. And that was it.

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