Chapter II

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It was the next day of school, and Rarity walked in with confidence. She wore an off shoulder green sweater, wine red skater skirt, and the same black boots she wore the day before. Her make up under her eyes was a little thick. "I can't let anyone know about yesterday," Rarity thought. She had her curly purple hair in a loose bun.

As she walked, people stared at her and whispered comments. She heard, "She's pretty," "She must be a model," and "I wish I looked like her."

Then, Rarity heard someone yell her name. "Rarity, hold on!"

Rarity turned and saw Applejack rushing towards her, with a bunch of loose papers and an open water bottle. "Applejack be careful!" But it was too late. Rarity's skirt was already sticking to her legs.

Applejack heard laughter, and saw Rarity's face turn red. She ran to her locker, and Applejack followed her.

At her locker, Applejack couldn't stop looking at Rarity. She seemed really upset. Rarity turned all of the sudden, both blushing a bit realizing that Applejack was staring. "Gee, I'm really sorry, Rarity," Applejack muttered, still looking at Rarity.

Rarity tightened her jaw a little, and then took a deep breath. "It's fine," Rarity whispered, trying to calm herself down. She took a bag and walked to the bathroom. Applejack turned and walked to her locker, feeling really akward.


In the bathroom, Rarity changed into a black pair of yoga pants. Soon, she looked down and saw a pair of brown leather boots walk into the next stall. Rarity panicked, and hopped onto the toilet so her shoes wouldn't be seen. "Ew," Rarity thought, feeling very disgusted by what she had just done.

She then heard Applejack's voice, and leaned towards the wall, as she heard her mumble," Oh, Applejack, you clumsy cow," and continued, "You just spilled water on the new girl's purty skirt! You're such a clutz."

By now Rarity was leaning completely on the wall, and soon slipped on the edge, making her legs hit the top of the toilet and her butt hit the floor, also hitting her head on the wall.

"Rarity!?" Applejack exclaimed, standing on the toilet and looking straight at Rarity. "You need any help, there!?"

Rarity looked at Applejack nervously, and then saw her face grow red. Rarity looked down. Soon, Rarity screamed. Applejack looked away, covering her face as she got down the toilet. Rarity couldn't believe Applejack saw her in her underwear! Applejack still kept her face covered, and stuttered, "Th-that was really r-rude of me, I d-don't know what t-to say."

Rarity still sat there, stuck. She took another deep breath, and calmy spoke, "Well, I don't know what to say either." There was a moment of silence. "You may leave now," Rarity added.

Applejack unlocked the stall and walked out the bathroom, gripping her books tightly. She felt so embarrassed, and looked straight to the floor as she walked to class. As she sat in her seat, Pinkie looked at Applejack and noticed how flushed she was. "Hey, is everything alright, AJ," Pinkie Pie asked, placing her hand on Applejack's wrist.

Applejack looked at Pinkie, and gulped, "I saw Rarity in her underwear."

Pinkie gasped like crazy, jumping out of her seat. Then Pinkie grabbed Applejack's face, and whispered aggressively, "APPLEJACK! Are you.. gay? And you and Rarity-"

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