Chapter III

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The sun rised, and Rarity woke up. She had a pounding headache. She then remembered the night before, and smiled. She picked up her phone, and called a friend named Roger Pickles. "I had fun yesterday," Rarity said, removing the cucumbers she had on her face.

"How was the kiss?" Roger asked.

"Horrible, it was like making out with garbage," Rarity wanted to complain. "It was good!" Rarity complimented, walking towards the bathroom in her pink slippers.

"Great! You know, tonight, I was thinking. We could do something.." Roger spoke in a suggestive voice, "Like at midnight."

Rarity then noticed. "ROGER, I'M NOT GOING TO PLAY ON THE OUJIA BOARD," Rarity commanded.

"What? No! It's something.. much better."

"Whatever Roger, I'll see you tonight," Rarity sighed. "Men can be so confusing."


Applejack woke up, and noticed her eyes hurt. She remembered the talk she listened to the night before. "We'll love you no matter what," Granny had comforted the night before. Applejack smiled, and got ready for the day.

Down stairs, Applebloom was helping Granny with cooking and baking, while Big Mac started on his morning chores. "Morning," Applejack murmered.

"Morning!" Everyone answered.

"How did you sleep?" Granny asked.

"Good," Applejack answered. She took an apple from the counter and walked outside. Big Mac was already out, collecting apples. "Lemme help you with that, Big Mac," Applejack said, as she began to pick some apples as well.

There was as a long, weird silence, until Applejack said, looking at Big Mac nervously, "How do I make a girl like me?" Big Mac mouthed some words. "Lost your voice, huh?" Applejack spoke. Big Mac nodded.

A while later, Scootaloo arrived at the barn. Soon, Applebloom began running outside. Applejack walked towards where the girls where and greeted, "Hiya Scootaloo!"

Scootaloo and Applebloom turned to Applejack. "Hey Applejack, Scootaloo wants to introduce me to a friend of hers," Applebloom added, "So can I go?"

"Well, what is she like?" Applejack asked.

"She's really nice, and I think she could use more friends," Scootaloo said, "She's always so lonely always being in her home. She has cancer, so she struggles having a normal life."

"She has cancer." Applejack felt a lot of pitty. She looked at Apple Bloom, and responded, "Alright, you may go. But be back before dark." She kissed her little sister's cheek.

Soon, the two ran off, and Applejack watched from far as they got on a bus.


Rarity sat on the long purple chair, lying down. She'd sit there whenever she felt stressed. She closed her eyes and took a quick nap.

Rarity's mother picked up the phone. In the middle of the call, she dropped the phone. "I can't believe it," Rarity's mother mumbled. Sweetiebelle was in the living room playing a board game with their dad, while Rarity and her mother where in the kitchen.

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