____Chapter fifteen___

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[Choose Me, Please?]

The events that had unraveled before you was just awful. All of the killers Toby had fought against had scattered, running away in shock and terror. They acted like stray dogs being yelled at to get away from a back alley dumpster. You hoped you would never have to see them again and you prayed that Toby had been strong enough to scare them away for good. But deep down you knew that this wasn't going to be the last you'd see of them.

You and Toby were now alone in the dark and misty woods. You were currently trying to process everything that had just been said and done. You leaned up against a thick tree, your heart pounding against your chest as you gently touched your lips.

Oh, and how could you forget the kiss you and Toby had recently shared? Remembering it made your stomach twist in a way you were unfamiliar with, the racing of your heart wasn't out of fear but rather shock. Toby had kissed you and you didn't know how to respond. You literally had been a victim of attempted murder and then he just kisses you? No normal person would know how to react?

You had your lips partially covered with your fingers, sweat rolling down your dirt stained face, your hair was messy; having a few twigs and leaves in it. Your [color]  eyes leisurely looked up at Toby. The killer stood in front of you with worried brown eyes. His orbs sparked with concern for you. Toby didn't look too great either, in fact, Toby's face was dirty much like your own with a few bleeding scratches.

Something inside of you had suddenly broke when you looked up at his kind face. Everything that was happening to you was because of this asshole. If it hadn't been for him you'd be at home, laying on your comfortable couch with a blanket wrapped around you to keep you cozy. You'd be reading a thick book with a hot drink by your couch while Gris protectively laid on your stomach. No, instead you're here! Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by everything that had just happened. You almost died! And not in a common accident or an elderly death like you always thought you would. No! You don't get that privilege of not knowing when you'll die. Death was right in front of you with two hatchets, rounded goggles, and a mouthguard.

Tears immediately began to race down your face the more you thought about it. Your cheeks were flushed from the freezing air and the liquid that were pouring down your eyes burned. You couldn't contain your feelings anymore, you were stressed and tired. You just wanted to go home! You wanted your boring life back! You wanted to see Effie again! You wanted to hear all of her nagging words once more. You wanted to see Nate, you wanted to see Gris! Why did you have to take that all for granted? You hurriedly wiped away the rushing tears that kept pouring out of your sorrowful [color] eyes.

Toby flinched at the broken sight. His eyes widened in shock when he heard you let out a few whimpers. Toby anxiously bit the bottom of his lip, unsure what to do to comfort you. Was it because he kissed you..? Oh God, he's such a pervert! He shouldn't have kissed you! Now your crying a damn river! Toby continued to panic in his mind. He let his gloved hand reaches out to you, landing it on your trembling shoulder. You looked up at him with blood shot eyes, wiping the last of your tears as you sniffed.

"I-I can't do this anymore." You uttered out "I'm not strong enough to keep up, I keep getting caught and hurt and I... I just want to go home." You softly muttered. Toby's heart broke into two. He pulled you into a tight embrace, you continued to have your emotional break down. You refused to hug him back. Toby tried his best to comfort you, stroking your hair and even soothing you with a hush. "I'm so s-sorry." He mumbled out. Your sadness was soon replaced with anger when you had an instant realization. You harshly shoved Toby away from you, you clench your fists feeling a familiar feeling of hate and spite.

A killer's wish (Yandere Ticci Toby x reader)Where stories live. Discover now