Chapter 5 - Veela Charm

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"Um," he looked up as Draco spoke and the Slytherin looked as if he was afraid to voice what was on his mind.

"If you have an idea I'm all ears," Harry said without trying to be coy or sexy in any way, "because this is as frustrating as hell for me as well."

"I think," Draco said, still looking awkward, "I need to be inside you."

That really wasn't what Harry had expected and his eyes drifted to Draco's engorged cock. He knew what Draco was suggesting, he wasn't as slow as some people tried to make out, but there was no way that was going to fit there.

"Um, I'm not sure..." Harry started to say.

"I researched it," Draco interrupted before he could refuse; "when I realised that I might have to do ... um ... well have sex with Voldemort any way he wanted me. There are spells to make you relax and cope with the lubrication problem and everything."

Harry looked at his companion dubiously. Draco's eyes went big and round and silvery and Harry promptly gave up.

"You'll need my wand, right?" he said and felt ridiculously pleased with himself when Draco smiled and nodded.

He was pretty sure Draco had told him he would be the one in charge once he'd relieved his lover of his virginity, but somehow it didn't feel like that at all. Rummaging amongst his clothes he found his wand and passed it to Draco. He had been intending on doing a little magic once he turned seventeen, but that had kind of gone out the window.

"Hands and knees," Draco said as Harry failed to do anything once he had handed over his wand; "so I can see what I'm doing."

Harry still wasn't really sure he could do this; yes he was frustrated, yes he had this rather annoying desire to make sure Draco was seen to, as it were, but this was a little bit too far.

"I could turn on the charm, if you like," Draco suggested, seemingly empathising with Harry's predicament which was not something he had ever thought could happen in a million years. "I know you can throw off Imperio, so you can probably throw off Veela charms, but if you didn't try it might work and then you wouldn't be so nervous."

It was a suggestion that would have once filled Harry with alarm, but, with everything that had already happened, he just shrugged and nodded. The evening couldn't really get much stranger. So far Draco has appeared out of thin air in a place where the wards were supposed to stop things like that; Draco had been wearing red silk; Draco had arrived with an arm full of horcruxes; Draco had propositioned him; he had said yes; and they had had sex. Voldemort topping himself in the Ministry entrance hall as a dramatic gesture about the plight of orphans wouldn't have surprised him now.

He knew the moment Draco used his Veela charms, because Draco went from really rather good looking to the centre of the universe for all things gorgeous in a heartbeat. Harry's logical brain screamed at him that he was being manipulated, but his teenage hormones leapt up to silence the thought pretty fast when he refused to take any notice.

"Wow, Draco," he said, suddenly very happy to be exactly where he was, "you're gorgeous. Did you know I'm the Chosen One; I'm going to save the whole world. I got top marks in DADA and I'm going to turn Voldemort into a red smudge on his hideout floor."

"Yes, Harry," Draco replied with what Harry thought was a hundred megawatt smile, "I know. Now just move onto your hands and knees for me."

Harry smiled in what he hoped was a winning way and did as he was told. He felt at least two spells hit him, possibly three and the most wonderfully strange sensations ran through his arse. Then again, if it was Draco doing it, they could have been terrible, and he would have borne the agony for the sake of the centre of his world.

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