Chapter 1

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The very first thing that you do when you wake up is to check your phone. It's an unfortunate habit that you've picked up--just like the rest of the professional world. Even though you clock in at 9, the workday never really begins or ends.

Sure enough, there are already two work-related messages blocking the faces on your lock screen wallpaper. The Media & Marketing departments are calling an impromptu meeting at noon. Waldo from your team is going to be out sick.

Looks like it's going to be a long day at the office.

"Mmm'morning," a sleepy voice mumbles from beside you while you read the texts.

You stick your phone back on the nightstand and partly roll over. Namjoon is resting comfortably in the sheets, blinking the sleep out of his eyes with a yawn. He smiles and reaches up, a long arm to pet a strand of your hair. His tan upper body is loosely wound in the white sheets.

"Good morning," you say, leaning down to give Namjoon a little kiss. He smells different than usual. Must be because he normally smells like cologne and now he just smells...clean? Like nothing in particular.

Time to get up. You need at least 45 minutes to get ready for work and with all that's going on today, you need to be there early. You toss back your silk covered duvet and hop out of bed.

"What time is it?" Namjoon asks, confused.

"A little after six."

He props himself up on one elbow and struggles to talk through another yawn. "Leaving already?" The way that his sleep-heavy eyes follow your every movement tells you that he wants to ask you to come back to bed and cuddle for awhile. This is your first 'morning after,' after all, and he might be feeling a shift. Normally you send him off at night.

But there's work drama. You have to go.

"Sorry, Joonie. Do you want a coffee real quick?"

He gives up fairly easily, climbing out of bed and beginning to dress. "No, it's ok. I guess I'll just go into work early."

The way he says it--like it's an absolute last resort and quite a bummer--makes you shake your head in amusement. You go in early nearly every day! It's not unusual for you to meet men who have less professional ambition than you but it catches you off guard every time.

It's not like you planned on being a career woman since you were young or anything, but now that you're in that world, you're going to give it your all. That's just the kind of woman that you are.

Being a woman in the workplace is hard, but being an omega female in a mid-level position at a large company is even harder. You have to be on your A-game at all times. Any little slip-up, any sign of weakness, any second-guessing and you know that there are at least a dozen people just waiting to fuck you over.

Both figuratively and literally.

"Do you want to get dinner later?" Namjoon asks casually. You can see him pacing around behind you in the mirror as he gets dressed for the day.

"I can't. Sorry." You glance back at him in the reflection before starting the eyeliner on your second eye.

"How come?"

"I'm going out with some friends," you retort at once. It's true and it serves as an impregnable defense against any further plans for today. And thankfully it works. Namjoon gives an exaggerated sigh and comes straight up to your back, wrapping his arms around your midsection,

"Okay. Call me when you're free," he practically whispers against your ear. Then he kisses your temple and hovers until you turn to kiss him on the lips.

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