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My life was hell. No single moment of my life would I recall a happy moment with my parents. Everyday after school I would find myself in the middle of my parents who were arguing.

Today I got out of school earlier than my 10 year old sister after I  borrowed a leave out because I had a headache. I boarded a bus to take me home. I hated home but I had no any other option.

As I reached home I found the door slightly open. It was unusual for my parents to leave them open. In a split of a second I heard a glass break followed by some noises. The sound erupted from my parents room.

I walked quietly towards the door and peeked through the key hole. My parents were deeply arguing and shouting at each other. Beside my mother was a broken glass from the picture frame. After some seconds I then  saw my father slap my mother.

I was shocked  and ran to my room to cry. I remember sometimes my  friends would talk of how their home was good or the fun moments they had with their parents. But for me, I would lie. Even on my birthday was an argument even worse.

I hated the fact they would constantly fight but manage to put a good  charade of the perfect parents and couple in front of people. But to whom could I turn to?

I lay on my bed crying as much as I could and the feeling just got worse with each tear. They might say crying heals but in my case every bad memory of my parents fighting surfaced up at that time.

I might pretend that everything is okay in front of my sister and friends but deep down  inside is a girl who tries her best to forget all those bad moments. At times  I would cover up my parents arguments by telling my small sister they are just debating.

I cried till my eyes was red and puffy, till my nose felt blocked and red and  till my throat felt  sore. Maybe there was a way to end this, to end all this pain and suffering.

I rushed to my bathroom and pulled out rat poison out of my drawer. I walked slowly to my bed examining the bottle and contemplating about my life choices.

I was too weak to stay and pretend like everything was just fine. As I was about to let the viscous blue liquid flow out the bottle into my mouth, a hand held mine. It was Hanna my sister.

Her eyes were teary and she displayed the saddest face.

“I need you" she said immediately giving me the tightest and warmest hug ever. Subconsciously the bottle slipped down and  I engulfed her as we both cried. Just with a small kind gesture like that I realized I had much to lose by ending my life.

If it weren't for my sister....

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