Day 35

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"Houston... Wasn't that the hotbed of the first Ebola case in America?" I asked. Desmond nodded, being the one most informed on it at the time. I sipped a cup of hot chocolate, a rare pleasure in this new era. I sat silent, thinking of our next move. We've cut the numbers on the goons down significantly, having established another surprise attack yesterday. We fight zombies outside the barricades kind of behind the scenes, and it's all pretty basic; nothing too special. It's planned that when we take back the hospital--IF we take back the hospital--I'll get a prosthetic leg and be more mobile again. In my opinion, this is after I get Ava back. "Okay... You all will take a day to relax, I'm going to start picking names for a group to come with me to Houston. Is that clear?" Everyone nodded, so I dismissed them.


The night was beautiful up on the roof of the hospital. Goons on foot shone their flashlights all around, still unsuspectant of our two attacks. They were poor at defending themselves against zombies; my team of barely-sixteen-year-olds and grown men who used to play video games was way better.

"Tch... Just as we call them: clueless goons." I turned my head to the left: the highway where I had been found. I turned my head to the right: more of the city. I turned my head forward: the edge of the city and the moon in the sky. It was a lovely harvest moon, barely shrouded by clouds.

"Hey." It was Pogan's voice. "Did you pick the names yet?"

"Nope. I'm pickin' names tomorrow." There was a pause. "... Y'know, I'm really nervous." I saw his head twist to look at me. He looked sarchastically shocked.

"You?! N-Nervous?! Not possible!" I had to laugh at that.

"Maybe I shouldn't use 'nervous'. I'm... Scared." Now he looked shocked for real.

"Okay, THAT I didn't expect. Why would you be scared? You're the bravest out of all of us."

"Well, see that highway?" I was referring to the highway where I'd gotten bitten.


"That's where I got bit. It was so close to home. It kinda put some fear into me. What if I'm bit a second time? Doc's not gonna be there to hack the infected area off, I'd be curtain's closed. You guys would be without a leader for I don't know how long." He pulled me into a tight hug.

"Don't say that," he sobbed. "Don't you dare think you're gonna get bit a second time. I thought I'd lost you once, and I almost did." He planted a firm kiss on the top of my head. "I'm so grateful and happy you didn't die... I think I'd die with you if I found out you had died."

"Pogan, you know I'd never go down without a fight. It's just, I'm weakened. I have no right leg, it's gone. I'm barely mobile. I feel like a bother now that I can't fight."

"Don't think that, Ariana." He squeezed me just a bit. "You're no bother, you're our leader."


"I think that'll be a good team... Yeah." I'd been scrawling down everyone's pros and cons all night, and now I think I had a good team set up.

Pogan: PROS- strong fighter, good backup leader in case I'm taken out of commision; CONS- somewhat emotionally attatched to me, might run out of battle if I'm down.

Ian: PROS- good long-distance shooter, not afraid to drive fast drive fast; CONS- Cannot battle close-range, gets weak stomach too easily.

Danny: PROS- No fear, smart and knows how to read a map well; CONS- Emotionally attatched to me, might run out of battle if I'm down.

Ty: PROS- Small-framed, can get into tight spaces, and quick on his feet; CONS- Slower thinker, can come under pressure and might flee.

Quentin: PROS- Quick on his feet, sharp shooter, not afraid to drive fast; CONS- heavy footstep, might blow our cover if on foot.

Sage: PROS- Clever and great with crossbow and rifles; CONS- naturally loud voice, could blow cover.

"Hah, ya win some, ya give some." I sat back on my palms and sighed. I haven't slept yet, and I'm tired. Tomorrow's Saturday, I think. I remember when I used to get up three hours late and spend the day writing and drawing and playing video games. Now I run a team of zombie slayers and spend every day struggling to survive. What a difference.

"Can I come in?" It was Desmond.

"Yeah, lemme just clean up a bit." He came in, and I shut my journal and wiped my face of some dirt. "What's up? Something happen?"

"Yeah, uh..." I looked up at him. "What if I told you that Isis might be pregnant?"

I think my stomach just collapsed.

"You WHAT?!" I hid my face in my hands. "Desmond, you dickbiscuit, what were you thinking?! No, don't even answer! I bet you weren't thinking at all! We're in a zombie apocalypse, and you think it's a fuckin' fantastic idea to get a girl knocked up! Way to go, like I'm not already having a panic attack over Ava!!"

"I'm sorry, I--"

"No, you're not, 'cause that wouldn't have happened if you had actually used your brain! And it's not like we can just swing by CVS and get a pregnancy test to be sure, now, is it!?" He looked down; I was so full of rage and fear, I was trembling. I took a deep breaths before I flared up a panic attack. "Okay, know what you're gonna do?"


"You're gonna tell the goons, 'I think my girlfriend's pregnant. Can you find a pregnancy test in a nearby store so we can be sure?' If they deny it, do whatever you can to get. That. Test." He nodded. "If she is, both you and her are not going to fight or do anything for the whole pregnancy, and she'll take an additional six months off to raise the baby. If she's not, I'm chopping your genitals off and sewing her shut."


"Excuse me," I called to a goon. He turned around. "I think my girlfriend's pregnant. Can somebody please find a pregnancy test at a local store so we can be sure?"

"... How old are you?"

"Fifteen." He looked shocked before continuing.

"And how old is the girl?"


"Did she consent?" I nodded, shocked from his icy tone. He thought for a second, then nodded slowly. "But you're coming with me."


It was a quick drive to the CVS, and the whole isle was still stocked. I just chose the closest one, then ran back to the Humvee.

"You better hope and pray this poor girl isn't pregnant, boy. I don't know you, but I'll still chop your nuts off." He started driving. I spoke under my breath.

"That makes two people."


"Isis, here." I gave her the box that would decide our future. "Take the test, we have to be sure."

"The test isn't instant, it takes up to an hour."

"I don't care, just please, take it."


An hour later, Isis came back.

"The test results?" I'd been sweating and shaking this whole time, just waiting in agony.

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