~Chapter One~: Detention

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Back at school. Soooo exciting , note the sarcasm. School is fine I'm not in fights I stay out of every bodies way. I just don't like the homework, squashed halls, jocks showing off and fake bitches.

I don't care what other care what others think of me and I wear what ever I want to wear. I stick on my tights and shorts and brush my hair but I have this thing where I must have something in my hair. I put on my red bandana and lift my purple hoody.

Hi I'm Niamh, I'm seventeen and I live in Ireland. I started school today and got my time table and the first thing I have is geography. Another thing about me I hate geography, I don't get why I need it for but my mum says it will come in handy.

I'm a wallflower, a person that notices everything but isn't noticed well that's me. I got to my geography class room and took a seat at the back, usually I'm in the middle but the back seats were all that are left.

I get out books and start to write down the notes on the board, then someone sat beside me. It may not be a big deal but no one EVER sits beside me! I glanced to see Calum Hood.

He's Australian but he has lived in Ireland for 5 years and he's had so many detentions I don't think I can count up to. He also gets a lot of girls a new one every week I guess. He's popular, athletic and also a trouble maker which is probably the reason for his popularity.

But why is he siting next to me? I ignore him and continue to copy notes after about ten minutes the teacher Mr. Rissby gives out pages. "This test is to see how much you remember from last year and if we can move on" he snaps at the class.

•Poke• Calum poked me? "Hey got a pen?" he asks me. Its the first day and he has nothing with him it's not like it's a few weeks into school but on the first day. I hand him a pen and just a few minutes later. "What's the answer to number five" he whispers. "You have a brain use it" I snap at him. "Arn't you a bit snappy babe" he smirks at me. "Don't call me babe" I hiss, he is getting on my nerves. "Sorry babe" he shouts up because I decide to ignore him.

About a minute later he asks again about number five and instead of whispering a say a bit to loudly "Fuck off Calum!" so Mr. Rissby gives me and Calum a detention, such a good way to start the year. "See you at detention" Calum says before the end of the class.

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