Chapter 12

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Paelen woke up with a familiar warm feeling seeping into his chest. He opened his eyes and saw Emily with her hand on his chest, glowing slightly as she healed it. Her dark hair was swept over her eyes, so she didn't notice he was awake. He let out a small sigh of relief as his wound closed up. Once she had done that, she looked Paelen up and down, looking for anymore injuries. She saw his finger and quickly healed it. "Thank you, Emily." Paelen said with a small smile.

"No problem." Emily didn't look him in the eye. She was still annoyed with him, evidently.

Katy knelt by his bed in awe, "She healed you! How did she-"

"I'm the Flame of Olympus. I can heal all Olympians, and mortals who have consumed ambrosia." Emily replied, who turned around to stand next to Joel. Paelen sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

"How is Charlotte?" He asked.

"Getting ready to leave. We can go too, now that you're better." Katy said.

They called in a nurse. When she saw Paelen, her face went into a state o pure shock, "How is that possible?" She murmured.

"I am a fast healer. Are we able to leave?" Paelen asked. The nurse nodded.

The group made their way towards the car park, where a police car was waiting to drive them home. Paelen was glad they were outside, the smell of disinfectant made his nose itchy. "Joel and I will follow you on Pegasus." Paelen nodded as they set off in the other direction. He and Katy got into the back of the car and waited for Charlotte. After a few minutes, Charlotte got in the front of the car and a friendly looking policeman went in the driver's seat. He asked for their addresses, and they set off, home.


The journey was long and it was dark when they arrived at Katy's house. The policeman informed them that Katy's mum had been told what had happened. They thanked the policeman and went to the door. Katy knocked, hesitantly. Within a moment, the door opened and Jo pulled Katy into a hug and held her. She sobbed into Katy's shoulder, mumbling about how worried she had been and how much she loved Katy. Jo pulled back and grabbed Paelen to pull him into a hug too. It was warm and comforting. A sudden crash of hooves from outside made them pull away. 

"Um, Jo, uhh... well... there is something you need to know..." Paelen said awkwardly.

"What is it?" Jo replied.

"Um, well I am an Olympian, from Olympus, and outside is Pegasus."

Jo didn't look fussed, "That's the least crazy thing I've heard all day."

Paelen smiled and nodded, pleased that she didn't care. He opened the door, and let Emily and Joel in. "Pegasus, please could you go in the garden in the back so you are not seen by the humans?" Paelen asked Pegasus.

Pegasus hit his hoof on the ground in annoyance, "Always having to go and hide, while you talk..." He said flying off.

Paelen felt sorry for him, he knew exactly what it was like to feel left out. He closed the door behind him and walked into the kitchen where his friends where. Jo had put the kettle on to make a cup of tea. Emily was looking at Paelen intently, he knew what she was going to say. She looked at Jo, "Please could Joel and I have some private time with Paelen."

"Of course, dear. I've left water in the kettle, help yourself to tea if you want some. Paelen knows where it is." She said pleasantly. Jo took her daughter's hand and went out, leaving Paelen alone with Joel and Emily.

"We need to leave, now. Jupiter gave us one day to find you and bring you back." Emily said.

Paelen looked down. He had made up his mind months ago. "Em, I do not want to leave."

"Please, Paelen! You can't just abandon us!"

"I am not abandoning you. I need a break. I need change. I cannot stay on Olympus, not after what has happened." Paelen tried desperately to convince her, to show her why he needed to stay.

She wouldn't take it. "You can't live here! It's too dangerous! You don't know anything! You don't stand a chance!"

Those words stung. "Emily, please listen. I can do this. I am doing well in school, I have friends, I have everything I could hope for."


"Emily." It was not Paelen who interrupted, it was Joel. "If he wants to stay, let him." He said softly.

"Joel! He's your best friend! You could never see him again!"

"I could." Joel replied, "But I seriously doubt that." He gave a grin to Paelen, who returned it.

"Emily." Paelen said, "I will not be gone forever, just for a while. You can visit, there is nothing stopping you."

"Paelen." Emily's voice was barely more than a whisper. "I don't want to leave you."

Paelen pulled her into a hug, "I know, Emily, I know. But I have to do something for myself now."

Joel joined in with the hug. "I guess this is goodbye, then. For the time being." He said. The stayed in the hug for a while, until Emily pulled away. "We should be going back to Olympus. The others will get worried."

Paelen nodded and they made their way to the garden where Pegasus was standing impatiently. "You took your time." He neighed, annoyed.

Emily gave Paelen one last hug before climbing onto Pegasus' back. "Paelen, I'll miss you." She chocked back a sob.

Paelen held her hand, "I will too."

Joel climbed onto Pegasus' back. "Behave yourself, Paelen. Don't get into any trouble. We'll find out when we visit." Joel said to him, tapping his nose. 

Paelen gave him a crooked grin, "I have never been in trouble, I do not know what you are talking about." 

Pegasus didn't say anything, he just nodded his massive head and took off quickly, making Paelen let go of Emily's hand. He felt his throat close up as he watched Pegasus' beautiful white form leave Earth and enter the Solar Stream. Was this the right decision? There was no taking it back now, Paelen thought. He closed his eyes as he felt a single tear trickle down his cheek. 

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