Chapter 13

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After a week at home, on supposed 'stress leave', Jo finally allowed them to go back to school. Judging from the strange and curious looks they got from walking in the playground, they figured they had been told what had happened. However, Paelen was glad to be back. After being cooped up in Katy's room for seven days, he thought he might have died of boredom. Ignoring the glances, he and Katy walked into the school in silence, not wanting to attract anymore attention. When they were walking towards their form room, they heard a deep voice call their names from behind them, "Katy! Paelen!"

They turned around. "Yes, Mr Stevenson?" Katy asked.

He stopped in front of them, and guided them to his office. "Please, sit down." He indicated to the seats before his desk. They sat down obediently. "I am very sorry to hear what has occurred, please, accept my condolences, it must have been tough." They nodded, waiting for him to continue. "I have informed the teachers of the situation, and they have passed on a few details o the students. They have been told not to ask questions. Your mother, Katy, has told me that you both with to continue with lessons as normal, is that correct?"

Katy nodded, "Yes."

"I will not trouble you any longer. Have a good day, both of you." The headmaster said.

They went out of the office into the corridor. The bell had just rung, so there was a flood of students filling the hallway. They pushed through the crowd to get to their form room. Their form had already gone into class. Mr Smith saw them at the door. Under normal circumstances, he would have given them a detention for being late, but he ignored them, leaving them to sit in their normal seats.

Paelen noticed that Charlotte was not there, which was not surprising, considering what had happened to her.

Mr Smith's voice shook him out of his thoughts, "...the leaver's prom will happen after the exams, on the first Friday after school ends for you. Tickets cost £38, and you are required to get your parents to sign this form." He handed out a letter to the class. Once he was done, he went to his computer and left the class to work or revise (most of whom did nothing but talk, which was rather distracting).

Paelen looked towards Katy. She had been excited for prom the whole time Paelen had been here, which was surprising, since parties weren't really her thing. Having nothing to do, Paelen got out a maths book, looking over notes Katy had got him to write down in the hopes he would be able to pass his exam. At long last, the bell went, and he could go to his favourite lesson, Chemistry.


It was another week until Charlotte turned up at school. She had changed. Her face was no longer drowned with heavy makeup. Her previously cruel eyes were now misty and blank. Her group of friends were worried at first, but lost interest rapidly. Once lunch time, Paelen looked over at Charlotte, who was sitting alone at a table, picking at the food in her plate. Katy followed his gaze. "She looks so miserable." She murmured. "Paelen, should we sit with her. She could do with some company."

Paelen wasn't so forgiving as Katy, but agreed with Katy on this occasion. "Yes, she has not been herself."

"I don't think she ever will be...which is good...and bad." Katy stated.

They made their way across the lunch hall to Charlotte. She looked up at them as the sat down. As soon as she made eye contact with Paelen, she looked away sheepishly. "What are you doing here?" She asked quietly. "I was horrible to you, both. I...should never have said those things to you, Katy, and Paelen, I should not have been so obsessed with you... I' sorry."

Paelen was stunned by her sudden change of heart. "Do not worry Charlotte. We can leave that behind us." He looked at Katy for support.

"We can start again afresh. We could be friends...if you want." Katy said to Charlotte, sitting opposite her.

Charlotte nodded uncirtainly. Paelen noticed tears form in her eyes, he guessed from guilt. Guilt could be painful. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

Katy shrugged, "We're nice people, I guess. You diserve another chance."

Charlotte smiled slightly, the first sign of positive emotion in weeks. "I would like that."

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