normal life

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WARING there's cussing in this story if there's any other I will tell you in that chapter

Sans! Wake up! Your in school boy do you really want to be stupid all your life! Because that's where your going if you keep this up!

Sorry teach your just so boring that I don't care about anything you say.

What now! Do you want to repeat that!

All right I said " sorry teach your just so boring that I don't care about anything you say. "

Oh! All right you want to play that way uh well NOT in my classroom go to the principal's office! NOW!

Fine what ever you say teach not gonna help you from being boring though.


All right all right! I get up and walk out of the room. I turn left and go to the principal's office he's even more boring!

I open his door and walk in.

Ahhh my favorite trouble Maker! What did you do this time! Other than your grades!

I didn't do anything other than say that your a boring dick!

Detention! For the rest of the day! Now go! I'm not playing your little games!

Ha! Like that's gonna help Bich!

Oh it will. I talked to your parents they told me that I can indeed pull you from school! The next mess up your out! I can't be having people like you in my school I can't danger my students.

More like danger your reputation. I don't know how you don't know how to have fun! This is why you can't get a single date go right! Ha what why are you so surprised that I know that!

You little! GO! Before i change my mind!

Fine! I walk out and smirk I'm finally gonna be free. This school is so boring everything has a rule and if you break it you get detention. I'm sick of this I love my parents but they're not happy with anything I do! It's all about like papyrus! He's so cute and so precious! Let's give papyrus this and that! It pissed me off just thinking about it!

I get to detention and sit down. As I slowly go back into my mind. I feel something watching me I look around and see nothing I brushed it off and continue with my thoughts.

Timeskip ( I'm not sorry )

As I'm walking home I sigh I'm gonna get a ear full from them. I sigh. Well let get this over with. I open the door and I see my parents looking down at me upset. I prepare myself for a not so fun time. As I close the door.

564 words

.............................................................hello so a little explaining this is telling you about sanses life and who the teacher in his human school are mean and make way to many rules. About his family sanses life was fine when he was younger but when his little brother papyrus ( of course ) was born his life turned upside down his family ignored him. His brother get everything he ever wanted. He knows it's not his fault but can't help but be man. Oh! One more thing sans is a kind loving person but it a real dick at times. He's has more energy in my story. Just don't piss him off. He will give you a bad time we'll that it bye!

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