oh hell no!

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Sans pov
Nightmare just got home that's great.
I walk out the door and look around sighing

I yell night!
And again he pops out of fucking no where again
So your back I say
No bids shur lock! He yells
What do you want sans.

I want to know where the hell I'm going!

Oh yeah come with me. Night said starting to walk.

Once I catch up to him i walk around with him and he shows me where ever things at. We ran into c
Killer on our way. We had an excellent smartelic talk with each other.

Once nightmare walks off I disided to socialize with horror and error.

Error fuck off!
YOu fUCk ofF hORroR I waLkeD in t
THe fUCk rOOm!


Whoa whoa what the fucks going on in hear I said walking in.

I don't want to see errors fat ass face that's what!

OH cOMe oN hORror! WE HavE SoMe oNE nEw For FuCKs saKE!

Both of you shut up!


Good! I don't feel like having this shit on my shoulder.

Like I care!

What now horror I said glaring

Nothing mom!

Fucker that doesn't affect me!

Ah hell sans!

Haha fucking stupid ass! I yelled holing my stomach laughing ( what I don't know if they actually have stomach I'm to stupid for that)

Oh shut up! What are you hear for anyway sans horror asked

I'm here because I wanna be hear that's why.

And I'm done with this day.

YoU wIsH error said to horror

Oh fuck off!

Why the fuck is there so much yelling in hear! I swear if I have to beat someones ass!

Fuck off nightmare! Horror yelled as a was now on the floor laughing at horror stupidity.


No you did error! Horror yelled

Both of you shut the hell up!

Once nightmare finished yelling cross and dust came running in through the window.

Oh hell no! Nightmare yelled
.............................................................hello I'm not explaning this time I'm to lazy for that.
You got me I re read this and for some reason my mind now has a hole bunch of ideas for this. As for that other story. I'm going to do something with it. But I'm going to ignore it for now. ( Hopefully 😅 )
Other that that I hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter! Bye

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