the beginning part one

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Sans pov

I was walking home from my school for the last time. Man I'm happy. I hated it there it was so boring. I'm just gonna let it go. Now I just need to get passed my parents. And I'm free. Though I couldn't help but wonder what would of happened if I stayed there oh well.

As I'm walking home I here some one crying I look over in the Ally next to me They look hurt so Being the good person I am I walk over and ask what's Rong. They turn around quickly and I feel pain all over my body after that everything goes blank the last thing I see is his face and it isn't normal. He says welcome to a new life. That really confused me. And I passed out.

I mubble something as I sit up. I can't see anything the lights are out. I sigh where the hell am I?

Your in your new room. I froze after hereing that. I ask his name at least I think it's a he. The unknown person sighed and turned on the lights.

......................oh......there's five if you.

Ha! No dips you dick! The one with little error sighs said

Oh you don't want to go there Bich! I yell I have my Gard up after what just happened.

Before I could say anything else they all started to fight. At least some.

Oh I think I do! Error said

Error! Shut the fuck up! The black one said.

Make me! Error screamed

Oh I will! Night gets louder.

Oh there at it again killer

I know horror.

So who gonna sto....before he could say another word something was throughout the window crash!

Bich! Said error

Fucking moron! ( I hope this helped you I'm not putting the others name on for the rest of this little fight. I think you get the picture )

Black ink!

String cheese!


Fine! You really wanna do tha....killer got intruded bye sans.

Well........that was a fun greeting. Sans said

Sorry they get like that. Killer said

It's fine. I'm kinda used to it anyway. Sans said waving his hand

Oh...really? Killer said surprised

Yep! Sans said anyway you can call me sans.

All right sans I'm killer. And the two who just fought are nightmare, the one that looks like ink, and error the other.

I'm killer horrors next to me there's only one more of us. Unless someone is keeping secrets that no one knows about...other than themselves of course.

Oh. All right so.....why am I here? I ask

Heh now you ask us your different aren't you? Killer says rasing his hand.

Well I guess. Are you gonna tell me or what? I ask as I shake his hand

Oh sorry! Well to put it simple your a vampire now. Killer said in the most "cool" voice ever.

I'm a.... vampire I think. are you mad oor....not? Horror said a little worried

What! I'm not mad. This is really cool actually! I say excited

Really? Nightmare asked

Yep! I say shaking my head

Heh your really are different. Error said

Is that a compliment or not?bi ask worried

Oh it's a compliment all right. Killer cuts in

Well then thanks...I guess. So what happens now. I say as I stand up.

Well first we need to discuss where your gonna be living. You have family right? Nightmare saids

Uh yes but we don't get along well.i say

Oh I'm...I'm sorry to here that. Well. There's something called vampirehigh. It a school for vampires. It teaches us how to use our powers and also how to fit in with normal humans or monsters. We are all going next week. You can just come along with us! Nightmare finished

Oh all right what's gonna happen Intell then? I asked

You can just stay with us. Nightmare is the one that bit you anyway. Killer said

Oh! Really!? I ask a Little surprised

Yep he's not happy about it though. You were just trying to help him right? Killer said as he sighed

Uh yeah. He looked in pain. Looking at night now sighing as I finish what I had to say

We'll not to scare you or anything but that's.....what happens when you don't drink blood. It's called the hunger. ( What I'm not a creative righter thought I do love art. ) You go into a state of craziness it's really painful an scary at the same time because you know what your doing but you can't control yourself.

All right killer that's enough. Nightmare said

Oh all right mom.

What! Uhhhh I don't even care.

Oh um please don't start calling me that I'm nightmare!

All right mom.

Ohhhh I like him all ready. Error said

I agree Error! Killer said

Haha your names sans right. Error asked

Uh yes it is. I say looking at him.

Well your gonna fit in with us I can tell right now. Error said

Oh! That good to know. I say looking relaxed

Say. You have a ora that's dark and kind. That's a rare thing you know. Nightmare said

........uh..........thanks? I say

Ok sans let me show you your room. Nightmare said

All right I say. I think this is gonna be a good change for me. I say in my mind as I walk off with nightmare

.............................................................yay I'm done hope you enjoyed. This is the first chapter the other didn't count. (T~T)

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