Chapter 10

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It's been two week and I still can't get her out of my head.

"Why don't you just call her?" Thomas stated. "Seriously bro. You've been mad distracted since the gala. Just call her."

I pursed my lips. "What makes you think I'm distracted over a woman?"

"C'mon RAF. We've been friends since grade school."

"Fair point." He wasn't lying. I viewed Thomas like a brother.

"So why haven't you called?"

"Why the sudden interest in my love life?"

"Cause your attempting to have one... or you were."

Attempting? "You talk allot of shit."

"No. I talk the truth." We continued our game of COD.

Between my laughter for victories, and Thomas cursing at me and the game alike, Ondina just wouldn't escape my thoughts. Thomas was right. It had been a while since I've dated and I had hopes for Ondina and I, but after the look of horror she'd giving me in that closet... I just couldn't bring myself to bother her anymore. Also, she didn't seem to mind because she hasn't reached out to me either. I have been distracting myself with business, and video games; well trying if you let Thomas tell it; in hopes that my mind would move on, but that hasn't been the case. If anything, I've only thought about her more. Her scent, her smile, the way her body felt against mine, and how beautiful her moans sound. Shit! Maybe Thomas was right. Maybe I should call her.

"Aye, I'll be right back. Gotta make a business call."

"Alright bro."

I took my leave, and made my way up to my room, and closed the door. I pulled out my phone and started to punch in her number, but stopped on the third number. Should I? What if she doesn't want to talk... Fuck! Why am I getting like this? Just fucking call her! I contined dialing and pressed call. I walked over to my bed and sat.
After three rings, I heard her soft voice say "hello?" Causing my heart to skip a beat. With my heart now pounding in my ears I cleared my throat.

Ondina was three hours into her shift when she felt the vibration of her phone in the front of her apron. She pulled it out and it read 'Him'. With her heart now pounding, she swallowed an answered.

"Hello?" Ondina made her way to the restroom.

"Hey." His thick voice caressed her ear. With just one word, Ondinas body became aware.

"Oh. How are you?" She responded.

"I've been ok. I was calling to see about you. How are you?" Ondinas heart sped up. What is going on with me? Oh, shoot my tables!

" I'm ok. But I have to go." Ondina hung up her phone, and slipped it back into her apron.

She washed her hands and made her way back to her section.


Now half way through her shift, Ondinas feet were killing her. She had two young tables(green and yellow), which meant no tips for her, an elderly couple(white), and a middle aged couple with bad attitudes (blue). I'm having no luck today.

"Hey, Dina!" Mike yelled from the kitchen. Ondina rushed to the expo line.

"Heres blue and whites meals. And also table red is asking for you."

"I can't do that mike, I already have a full section. I can't work Lena's section too."

"Thats not my problem. Work something out with Lena." Ondina rolled her eyes and grabbed both meals for her tables blue and white. She successfully delivered whites meals.

Once Ondina arrived with blues meals, she could sense a problem coming on.

"Heres the double cheese burger with no tomatoes, and this is the spicy chicken wrap." She placed each meal infront of it's owners. "If there is anything else you need, just let me know."

With a frown on his face, the male stated "It took you a long time to bring us our food."

"I'm sorry about that, sir."

"Well just know that's gonna effect your tip."

"She shouldn't even get a tip at all." The woman stated next to him with a look of disgust on her face.

"I understand, sir. Just keep in mind. I only serve you. I don't make the food. So, I have no control over how long it takes, but I assure you our kitchen is doing the best they can."

"I don't give a damn. We shouldn't have to deal with you talking back."

At this point, Ondina was red with embarrassment and anger. What is with this guy?

"Where's your manager?"

"I'll go get him for you."

The woman was saying something but Ondina couldn't hear her. That was probably for the best. She made her way back to the kitchen.

"Hey, Sam, when you see mike can you let him know that blue is asking for him?"

"Why can't you go and find him?"

"Because I have other tables to tend to." Before Sam could make a smart remark, Ondina made her way to table red.

Wrapped up in her own head, Ondina hadn't realized she had already reached the table. There was a man sitting with the menu pulled up over his face hiding him from her view.

"Hello, welcome to Dominicks, I'm Ondina, I'll be your server. Could I start you off with any appetizers today? Or anything to drink?"

"I hear your steak wraps are pretty good here?" Wait a minute. I know that voice. She leaned forward, hooked her index finger onto the menu and pulled down. Raphael looked up at her with a smile on his face.

"I think I would like that steak wrap."

"How did you-"



"You got off so suddenly so I went to your house. She told me you were here. I came." The memory of their time in that storage closet filled Ondinas head, she bursted out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Confusion crossed his face, then understanding, followed by embarrassment.

"Nothing. Just a memory. Um steak wrap?"

"Yes. And some water."

"You got it. Ok. I'll be right back." Ondina turned to leave.

"Wait!" Raphael grabbed hold of her wrist. She slowly turned towards him


"How much longer do you have before your shift is up?"

"I still have five more hours till closing time. I have to close up today."

He made a look, then as if he came to a decision he released her wrist.


With that, Ondina walked off. When she returned to table blue, both plates were left untouched and there was a note left on the table. Ondina read it; anger fumed from her ears. Ondina cleared the table, and made her way to her remaining tables. She finished them up and only got a total of six dollars as a tip. New customers were seated and she prayed she had better luck this go around. After she punched in their orders, she picked up Raphaels meal and headed to table red.

"Thank you."

"No problem. If you need anything else, just let me know."

"I think I'll manage." With that, Ondina left to help other customers. Raphael had finished his meal, paid and left a note when she reached his table again. Disappointment filled her heart. She had hoped they got to talk before he left. She noticed there was no tip. Just the exact amount for the food. He must still be mad at me.
Ondina looked down at the note she held in her hand. She opened it and read it, 'I'll tip you later.'

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