Chapter 3 - Alone

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Once she was out of breath, Snooki stopped running. She fell to her knees in the white, crunchy snow without caring about her knees that were now freezing. She took a moment to catch her breath, taking deep breaths to slower her heart rate. A small breeze lifted a few brown strands of her hair. She stared at the white floor beneath her. Then she looked up. In the distance, she saw something. If she squinted her eyes she could almost get a clear view of what it was. It looked like a town. Maybe she could go there and warn people of Isaac. She moved from her kneeling position and was now on her two feet. Snooki started walking, her boots sinking in the snow. As usual, Snooki looked around her and the only thing she was seeing was more trees that had lost their leaves and broken branches. After twenty minutes of walking, without coming into human contact, she reached the town. Snooki stood just outside of the place, she knew what this town was. This was the town Isaac had sent his men to attack. The girl should've known it was the same small place, she got bad vibes just from heading towards it. On a leafless tree next to her, a crow sat on a branch that looked like it was ready to snap. It was like he was observing the place with her. Snooki watched it. The dark bird then took flight in the direction the huntress was heading and disappeared behind burnt houses. Then the huntress followed. Once she got to the centre of the town, she stopped. She slowly turned in a full circle to look at the once lively town. The girl thought of all of the innocent people who died, including her best friend. A tear ran down her cheek, followed by another, then another. Her eyes turned red. She didn't know if she was sad or if she was angry. She held her breath and listened carefully. Silence. Not even the sound of the black feathered bird that was beside her a minute ago.

Suddenly, the girl ran and hid behind a small burnt building. "She has to be here, there's nowhere else she could go. There's definitely no one to try and help her. We made sure of that," said a man. It was Isaac's men that he had sent to find and kill the girl. "Shit," Snooki whispered to herself. "They followed my footprints." Carefully, she peeked around the corner. She counted five of them and then went back out of sight. "I can't take them down with my katana, not when they have guns. Maybe I could kill one of them and take a gun," Snooki thought to herself. Again, she carefully peeked around the corner. Then she noticed that one of Isaac's men had her pistol. "That son of a bitch has my gun. I'll make sure he dies first." Quickly, Snooki turned back around after hearing a voice saying, "Gotcha." Snooki pulled out her katana and sliced the man's throat. She pushed him down and stabbed him in the chest with her blade, making him die quicker. That's when Snooki got the idea of stealth killing the other four men. She put away her katana and pulled out the dagger from her boot. She moved to the corner of the building and tapped on the wall. Unfortunately, two men heard it and started heading in her direction with their firearms raised. But Snooki couldn't be taken down that easily. One of the men appeared from the corner and Snooki stuck the dagger in his neck. The other man tried to hit Snooki with his gun but without looking, she dodged, again pulled out her katana and sliced the blade across the man's body. "Guys! What's going on over there," said the final man that claimed Snooki's pistol. From the corner, he saw the bodies of his team and ran over to them. "Shit," he said as he looked at their corpses. Suddenly from behind, Snooki snatched her gun out of his hand, causing him to turn and face her. "I think I'll have this back now," she said before pulling the trigger and watching the bullet pierce through the soldier's skull.

Incase other men were going to come, Snooki quickly retrieved her dagger from the previous dead man's neck, slithered it back in her boot, placed her pistol back on her hip, secured her katana on her back, then sprinted north hoping to get far away from this place of death. The blood splatters of her enemies remained on her furry skirt and on her face. She leaped from a rock and swung from a tree branch hoping she'd get further away. Eventually, she came to a stop when she no longer had any energy left. She came across another rock that was partially covered with white snow. She brushed it off and sat down to rest. Then, it lightly started to snow. Snooki looked up and snowflakes landed on her cheek before turning into liquid. The water on her face looked like a tear. She wiped it off and examined her surroundings. There was nothing but snow and leafless trees. Something she was used to seeing. The warrior sighed and stared ahead of her. She thought about everyone she had lost. Who she cared about the most. But she didn't cry. Not this time. "Maybe it's better if I'm on my own. Maybe it's better not being with anyone," she said to herself. The huntress liked the idea of protecting people and their groups and communities, but not staying with them. The girl thought that it was better if she remained alone instead of being with other people in a group. But it didn't mean she'd refrain from keeping them safe. Once again, she stood up and walked forward. She had no idea where she was going, but that was something she was also used to. If Snooki came across a community, she'd make sure they were safe instead of asking for sanctuary. Maybe this was what she was trained to do. Maybe this was what Leon trained her for. She hadn't been walking for long when she did come across a group. She hid in the bushes that were covered with snow, just like the rest of the plants. "Shhh, what was that," said one of the group members. Snooki had been cautious so there was no way they could've heard her. But suddenly, a dark shadow lunged for the same member that spoke and he fell to the floor. It was a black wolf. It was very similar to the wolves Snooki saw a while ago. But then three others came and the group were immediately failing to fight them off. Then, Snooki appeared from behind the bushes and made herself known to the wolves...

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