Chapter 5 - Danger

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Snooki was crouched in the bushes just outside the big house. Two people were stood talking. The girl grabbed a small rock that was beside her and threw it afar. "What the hell was that," asked one of the men. Both of them raised their guns and headed over to the direction of the sound. Snooki quickly came from behind the bushes. Suddenly, she fell back into the Training Tent as Xian was walking to Snooki's direction. The girl layed on the floor of the tent, hoping not to be seen by Xian. But luckily, she walked past without seeing anything. Before Snooki exited, she saw a basket of something near the entrance of the tent. Quickly, she ran over to see what it was. It was a box full of bandanas with different colours. Snooki pulled out a red, silky one and quickly wore it around her mouth and nose. Then she left the tent, and attempted to sneak out of the huge camp by staying in the bushes. There was no protection around the camp so it was easy for Snooki to turn right and run deep into the snowy forest. However, once she was away from the camp, she turned back around as a loud bang had startled her. She didn't want to but she turned her body all the way and made her way back to the camp. She hid in the bushes just in front of her. Peeking through the small twigs, Snooki saw Isaac's face and immediately filled with anger. "I'm not here to harm anyone, hopefully," the enemy spoke with a loud voice to get the attention of all of the people. "I'm looking for a huntress. She has straightened brown hair and green eyes. She wears a furry skirt and armour on the top half of her body. Her name, is Snooki. She's one of the best huntresses to ever live. Now, I'm hoping for one of you to turn her in so nobody gets hurt. Failing to do so, well, let's not go down that path shall we?" Before Isaac could say anymore, Xian spoke whilst walking up to him from the crowd. "She is not here. Whoever this Snooki girl is, we've never heard of her. So turn around and go back to where you came from because we can't help you." Isaac chuckled, then soon burst into laughter. "You fool! I know you're lying. I know she's here. You just have to tell me, then we'll take her and be on our way. You don't want to make this difficult do you?" Xian convinced the icy blond boy that there was no famous huntress with them. "Fine, I guess we'll leave you. Sorry to disturb all of you," Isaac said whilst turning around.

Suddenly, Snooki quickly emerged from the bushes whilst yelling, "LOOK OUT!" Before they knew it, the huge brick building was in flames. Snooki turned to see a man holding a rocket launcher. "EVERYONE GET TO SAFETY! NOW," Snooki ordered. Nearly half of the people ran around like headless chickens. Snooki equipped her pistol and started firing at Isaac's men. She was accompanied by Xian, Danny, Olivia and Leon, who were also fighting. Olivia ran up to a man, dodged his punch and stabbed him multiple times in the stomach. Only then, did a blade appear from inside Olivia's throat. "OLIVIA!" Xian screamed as she ran over to the man and shot him in the head. She dumped his body to the side and stayed next to Olivia, protecting what was left of her. Snooki stood in horror as she stared at Olivia. Snooki was then pinned to the ground by Isaac and his hands squeezed around her throat. Snooki gasped for air. She struggled to raise her hand holding her pistol. Her face started turning blue but Isaac soon let go of Snooki when Leon hit him with some sort of wooden weapon. "Quick! Give me your hand", he said. Snooki grabbed Leon's hand whilst her other hand was protecting her throat. Leon threw a wooden table on its side and used it as a shield. Him and Snooki then crouched behind it for safety. Leon pulled out a rifle and started shooting the enemies, but he didn't get a clear shot of Isaac. Snooki cleared her throat and quickly scrambled over to Xian. "Xian, come on. We have to go now," the huntress said as she tried to drag the girl. "N-No I can't leave her. We can't leave her here," the girl said, holding on to Olivia's corpse. Snooki had a look at the body. Blood leaked from the throat and mouth. With a big pull, Snooki moved Xian and they both went back to Leon's position. Once again, Snooki got distracted by a huge bang. The girl turned around and saw a horrific sight. Tents were on fire, the brick building was no longer recognisable, people's bodies were burned to ashes and people were screaming. Snooki's face angered and she sprinted from behind the table and towards Isaac. But then, a bullet hit Snooki's stomach. The girl fell to the floor grabbing her wound, screaming in pain. Out of nowhere, Danny quickly ran over to Snooki and picked her up. He put her arm around him and tried to hurry to safety. Danny shot Isaac's men as they made their way to a tent that hadn't been burned yet.

Snooki's vision started to go blurry and the sounds of everything around her was fading. She tried to read Danny's lips and she managed to read "I'm going to get you help. Stay here. I'll be right back." Snooki realised what she was sat behind and slowly pulled out her dagger from her boot. She turned to the side and cut off some of the tent, groaning in pain as she did so. Once a thick piece of the material was loose, Snooki tied it to her wound and tightly pulled. The girl screamed as the pain ran through her body. After a short while, Snooki tried to stand up. But she fell to her knees with her hand on her bloody wound. Her hearing started to become more clearer and she turned around. More and more people were dying and the camp was in flames. She pulled out her pistol and shot as many people as she could, getting a clear headshot from those she managed to shoot. The huntress then started to violently cough from the fumes. She finally stopped coughing once her eyes focused on Xian, Leon and Danny. The girl shook her head whilst saying, "I'm sorry," before turning her back. But there was one of Isaac's men, holding a gun to her forehead. Snooki head butted the guy and knocked the gun out of his hand. She kicked the man in his stomach, causing him to be pulled to the floor. Snooki picked up his gun and aimed at him. But she stopped. She looked at the man in the eye, but finally she pulled the trigger and the man breathed no more. Snooki then turned her body to the direction she was heading and fled, disappearing into the smoke. Isaac watched the girl flee from afar and was impressed with her survival skills, but it didn't change the fact he still wanted her dead. The icy blond boy stuck his middle finger and his thumb in his mouth and made a loud whistle that called his men. He didn't say anything but started to leave the camp the direction they came in, leaving those who were still alive suffering. Xian watched as Isaac and ten of his men retreat with fire in her eyes. "Snooki! Snooki," Danny shouted. "She was right here. I told her to stay here whilst I go to get help." Xian regrouped with Leon and Danny. They stood looking at the tent that Danny had left Snooki at. "She can't have gone far. She was shot in the stomach. We should go and find her before that guy finds her first," Leon said. "But if that guy was right, Snooki can survive with that wound. You heard what he said. She's the greatest huntress ever. We've seen what she can do, I doubt something like that will kill her," Xian told the two men. "Come on, let's go and find her and we can kill this son of a bitch together," Leon said before walking off through the smoke. Xian and Danny then followed, hoping they'd soon find the wounded huntress.

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