Chapter 13 - A Heroine Emerges

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Linnie dipped the now stained red flannel in the warm water and rubbed Snooki's face. "You've done brilliantly, Snooki. Looks like someone might get their painting in the Hall of Warriors." Snooki smiled. After wiping the last of the enemy's blood, Linnie sighed and said, "So, what's going to happen to you now? Where are you going to go?" Snooki shrugged her shoulders whilst looking at Wolfy. "I guess I'll be roaming through the forest, protecting more of our people." Linnie replied, "You have just saved loads of your people. That man was evil, he was a threat to all of us. If you weren't here, he could've wiped us all out by now. But you, you've just saved future generations. You're a magnificent warrior, Snooki. I don't think anyone is going to forget that. People are going to know who you are from the day they are born." Snooki then rose from the wooden chair and walked over to the window. "I want you to know I'm not planning on staying here. Don't be trying to change my mind." Linnie responded with a friendly smile, "Don't worry, I'm not going to force you to stay here. But I do want you to know that, this place is always here for when you're in trouble. I don't want you to forget that." Snooki smiled. She then turned to the lady in the blue dress. "I'll come back. I just don't know when." Linnie then stood up. She walked over to the hero and placed her hand on her shoulder. "Are you sure you don't want to stay here? It's better than being out there." Snooki looked at Linnie with a smile, "I'll be fine. You know I can look after myself." The blond, elegant lady frowned. "I just don't want you to be out there all alone. I don't like seeing you like that." Snooki placed her hand on Linnie's hand. "You'll see me around, if you're lucky. Besides, I've got Wolfy. I'm not going to be alone. I'll be fine, trust me. I'm happy being on my own with Wolfy. It's what I'd prefer doing." Linnie nodded and escaped her hand from underneath Snooki's hand. "We're never going to forget you Snooki. Come back to this place whenever you're in trouble. Or you can just come back for a visit. Either way, you're always welcome here." The huntress replied, "I'll keep that in mind." Linnie then disappeared out of the room. Snooki looked out the window. She noticed that the sun was starting to set. "Wolfy, let's go. If we can get to the top of that mountain, we can watch the sunset." Both warrior and wolf ran out of the room and headed towards the brown doors. "Goodbye, Snooki. I hope I see you again soon," Linnie said as she stood at the top of the stairs. Snooki waved and said her goodbyes. She then opened the doors to find herself in a long corridor.

"Take her back to her room," said a male doctor. "She's had enough treatment for today. We'll see how we progress tomorrow." The curly haired brunette felt a cold hand grab her arm and lead her through the hallway. She heard patients screaming and banging on the metal doors. "Alright sunshine, in you go," said the tall man who lead her back to her room of solitary. The girl slowly dragged her feet into her room, the man slammed the door behind her. This was a different room that she remembered being in. "Well, look who's my new neighbour," said the voice of a young man. The girl turned around and looked through the rectangular space through the door to come face to face with an icy blond boy. A boy that she had met before. "I never thought I'd see you here. Looks like you're as crazy as me. Hahahahahahahaha!" As usual, the brunette didn't say anything. "Leave her alone," said a deep voice. "Why don't you just stay out of this, pretty boy," the boy responded. He then continued as he looked in the girl's green eyes, "Maybe I can get you to start talking. I could try and SCARE the speech out of you." The boy suddenly banged on his door, causing the girl to jump back. "Hey! I said, leave her alone," the deep voice continued. The man that the voice belonged to then made an appearance as he looked at the girl. He had dark, blond hair that was parted at the front. Locks of it fell over his right eye but the rest of the locks fell near his left eye, but didn't exactly cover it. The girl looked into his eyes. He had beautiful light blue eyes. The icy blond boy backed away from his door with a sigh and didn't say anything after that.

"I don't think we've ever met before. My name is Leon. What's yours?" The girl stared at him for a moment. She felt like she knew this man, but where from? She didn't respond to him, which was something she normally did. It was like she didn't know what her name was. She sighed and then backed away from the metal door. She turned around to examine her new room. It was a small room, but it seemed bigger than the last. There was a big window that was placed just above her bed, however there was no way she could open it. The brunette decided to climb on her bed and look out of it. It looked like her room was placed on another side of the building as she couldn't see any barbed wire outside. Instead, she saw a forest. Out of nowhere, she saw a white wolf. The girl was confused. It was still daylight, so why would there be a wolf? All of a sudden, the wolf looked directly at her. She stared at the wolf, and it stared back. It was a beautiful white wolf. It's fur was so pure it was like an angel. She didn't feel very threatened by the wolf's stare. Instead, it made her feel calm. After a while, the wolf turned its back and headed deep into the forest. The girl took a minute before she then layed on her bed. Slowly, her eyes started to shut and she felt a small snowflake land on her cheek, before turning into a liquid.

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