Chapter 13

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                                                           Silver Armor And Crystal Hearts – Part II

Certain that his eyes were betraying him, Flash Sentry gave the dining hall a second glance. Everypony, pegasus and unicorn alike, wore silver armor.

To Flash's knowledge, silver armor had never been used by any faction of the Guard, past or present.

Flash looked over at Shining again, almost pleadingly, stricken silent by disbelief. Lighting his horn, Shining pulled a chair out for him.

"Have a seat, Flash."

Flash swallowed. "Y-yes, Your Highness."

With the intense heat of all eyes upon him, Flash obeyed. The seat that had been chosen for him was near the heaping platters of delectable foods—a wasted privilege.

First Lieutenant Shooting Star pushed a heaping plate of food towards Flash, along with a full glass of wine. "Indulge, soldier. You're gonna need it."

Oh, Celestia. "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."

All eyes shifted back to Shining Armor, who gestured for the rest of the group to sit down.

As they silently complied, Flash took a sip of his wine, but didn't touch any of the food.

After a moment, Second Lieutenant Argon asked, "Where is Princess Cadence, sir?"

Shining Armor stood at the head of the table, towering over his seated guests. "She is with my sister. Everything will be revealed to her tonight."

Flash nearly choked on his wine. Twilight's in on this too?

"Good," Shooting Star said, his voice thick and heavy, "it is about time, sir."

Shining replied, his tone equally weighty, "Yes... It is."

"How is Princess Cadence holding up, sir?" one of the other guards asked.

Flash noted that the new speaker was a white unicorn who wore a blue star on the chestplate of his golden—silver—armor: the mark of a Corporal, who had been awarded the emblem due to his potential leadership skills and was in equal standing as a Knight.

I know I've seen him before... Wait. Isn't he one of the prison guards?

"She has fared better, Strong Command. However, she insists on waking early now that Twilight is here." On Shining's stern muzzle, the slightest smile appeared. "I suspect that tonight's play should help her, along with more rest."

Shooting Star raised his wineglass. "Glad to hear, Captain."

Flash's eyes widened. Captain?

"Thank you. Are there any more questions before we begin?"

Only everything!

The temptation to disobey by asking a myriad of questions was strong, but so was Shining Armor's gaze. Flash Sentry, along with the others, did not respond.

Shining Armor cast what Flash recognized as a soundproofing spell, his purple aura engulfing the room. Once the spell dissipated, he cleared his throat and addressed the table.

"Gentlecolts, thank you all for coming. While most of you have already been to one of these meetings—whether here or in Canterlot—we do have a new face here tonight. For that reason, I shall start at the beginning."

Those eyes drew to him again, leaving Flash to only offer them a forced smile.

Shining continued, "Each one of you has been identified and selected by either First Lieutenant Shooting Star, Second Lieutenant Argon, or myself as a stallion who may be interested in joining our cause."

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