Chapter 22

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Aboard the train, Flash and Twilight settled into a sleeper cab. The same train guard who had accompanied them on their journey to the Crystal Empire was their sole fellow passenger. This time, however, Flash had no intention of replacing Twilight with Queen Chrysalis.

Instead, he listened as Twilight recounted the past two weeks of their stay. Her voice rose above the churning of the wheels on the track. Whether she spoke and he listened—and laughed, and laughed—for an hour or ten, he wasn't sure.

It was worth every minute.

"... And then Cadence said, 'Radishes?! Where?!'" Twilight let out little giggles behind her forehooves.

Flash cackled. "Ohhhh, wow." I think I know far too much about Princess Cadence now, but I have a feeling she really wouldn't mind...

"Yup! You should have seen the look on that poor merchant's face! Cadence bought every last radish, even the ones he was saving for himself!"

"I'll be sure to remember that the next time Cadence visits Canterlot Castle. A little tip for the chefs," Flash said. Note to self: If you ever need to get on Cadence's good side, just bring a saddlebag full of radishes.

... Make that two saddlebags.

The two broke out into chuckles again, then fell silent. It was a brief, but peaceful silence, reminiscent of a night under the stars.

The cliff and the aurora hadn't left Flash's mind. Nor had the two tomes in Twilight's saddlebags, which were peeking out of the laden luggage.

After a moment, Twilight asked, "Is something the matter?"

"Hmm?" Flash looked up, unaware that he had been staring. "Oh! No, nothing at all. I was just thinking."

"About what?" Twilight opened her saddlebags and held up the books in her magic. "These?"

Flash couldn't help but grin. "You read my mind."

Twilight grinned back. "I thought so." Then, she sighed, settling the books on the table. "I really am excited to continue my translations and study. But that'll have to wait, at least for a few days."

"I understand." The trial. Oh, that'll be another grand ol' time for everypony involved. It'll probably be the same as last time...

Except, this time, Orion might not have the strength to put up such a fight.

"I understand why Cadence encouraged me to take it easy, but now I wish that I had spent more time taking care of this. Not that I minded spending time with my family... and friends."

Flash's smile was returned with one of hers, but not for long.

Twilight sighed again. Flash sensed a storm brewing, even as the sunlight streamed in through their window.

After staring at her forehooves for a moment, Twilight asked, "Did I tell you that I saw Clover in the Crystal Empire?"

Flash stiffened. "No. Was she... was she alright?"

"Um..." Twilight looked away. "Not exactly."

Flash sighed. "I was afraid of that."

"Huh?" Is he gonna tell me about how he found Clover in the castle?

"Shortly before I was assigned to accompany you, I caught her wandering through Canterlot Castle unescorted. She claimed that she had been told to wait for somepony to escort her to the dungeons to see Orion, but nopony showed up, so she went on her own. She was trespassing, but... She wasn't just scared of me, she was terrified. Like I was going to hurt her.

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