Chapter 23

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                                                                                           King Pawn

With a twitching jaw, Twilight Sparkle watched Captain Ironhoof and Flash Sentry leave Princess Celestia's royal chambers. The door slammed shut behind them, an echo following the finality.

How... Why—

"So," Princess Luna asked, "Twilight, how are you feeling about Wednesday?"

Twilight jolted as she was addressed. "Wednesday? What about—" Oh. That. "Oh. That. Heh. Um, it should be fine. I-I'm not really worried about it."

Though she tittered, Twilight inwardly cringed all the same. Yes, it should be fine. Just like my first day of Royal Court. Just like the trip to the Crystal Empire. Just like my research project. Fine, fine, fine! Nightmare 'You should calm down' 'You! I need to talk to you!' Nightmare 'Yeah Yeah later your in a conversation'

Celestia looked down at her with a frown. "Are you sure? By all means, Twilight, if you need a few extra days—"

"That won't be necessary," Twilight said with a wave of her forehoof. What I need is—

"And I am more than happy to take over both of your duties during Day Court if need be." Luna sipped her tea before she continued, "It may mean the closing of Night Court until after the trial is completed, but I am sure our subjects will understand."

Twilight shook her head. "That's really not—"

A wing encased her side, silencing her protests. "I think that is best, Twilight," Celestia said, her tone low but gentle. "Given how... stressful Orion made his hearing, I expect no less of him for his trial. You will need to be prepared for that, he is liable to do that again. Especially since he will be representing himself."

Even with the warmth of Celestia's primaries around her, Twilight's blood ran cold. Representing himself? And these rumors of a hunger strike? He wants us to punish him to the fullest extent of the law!

And not only that...

In the silence of her mentor's smile, Twilight looked up, and wondered.

Stressful? Luna taking over both our duties? Perhaps I'm not the only one who...

Is afraid...

But that would mean—

The familiar feathers uncoiled from around her, leaving Twilight looking up at Celestia's smile. "Now, I know you said you were tired, but I must confess... I am very interested to hear what you learned from your expedition. Is there anything you would like to share now?"

Twilight cleared her throat. "Well..." Should I ask her now? Or should I wait until I have more evidence? On one hoof, it would be good to see if she or Luna could confirm the most basic of facts I've learned so far—that Discord lived with them in the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. "You see, I... " But on the other hoof, if the writings are true, and there is much more to the story, then perhaps I should wait...

Setting her teacup down, Luna said, "I'm curious as to how much information you were able to gather. A thousand years of knowledge sealed away could yield either an excess or complete lack of results in either direction."

"Well, yes..." Twilight felt her ears flatten at their intrigued eyes. "That is true. I did find what I was looking for, but—"

"But what?" A grin spread across Luna's muzzle. In any other context, Twilight would have thought it almost goofy; right now, it only seemed to mock her, spurring the war of her thoughts. "Come now, Twilight. Four weeks is more than enough to—"

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