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(Marionette's POV)

Poor, poor, innocent (Y/N). She has no idea what's coming. I sighed, wishing there was something I could do. There wasn't. It honestly, wasn't even her battle, but fate has foretold to me that she is the one who will win it. I floated through the pizzeria, approaching the show stage. Poor (Y/N). I would need to tell her soon.

Vincent had struck again. I looked over the Toys. Each one was powered down. When they had attacked Jeremy, they had just barely been possessed. The children had no idea what they were doing. They didn't even want to. But that's what happens when you stick a dead body into a robotic suit.

"The dumb, foolish man," I whispered, waiting for the new animatronics to wake up. After they had panicked about killing Jeremy, each had shut down due to high levels of stress. Meaning, I still needed to tell them that they were dead.

Hopefully, they would appreciate my gift of life. 

I was dozing off when I heard a strange clonking, the sound of an animatronic walking across the tile. I turned around, expecting one of the toys, but was surprised by a whole different thing.

In front of me, was Fredbear himself. Turned on and moving.

(Your POV)

You groaned as someone poked you, smacking their hand and rolling over. "Noooo, I wanna sleep." You mumbled, pulling the blankets around your face again. The person laughed and you felt a heavy weight cover you completely. You grunted, the air being pushed out of you. Opening your eyes, you saw Bonnie laying lazily on top of you, smirking. His purple hair fell into his face, just barely covering his eyes. You sighed.


He smiled and kissed you. "You gotta go to work, baby."

You rolled your eyes. "And why should I go there? To die?"

He frowned. "No. I'm going with you." He stated, getting up and rolling off the bed and onto his feet.

You shrugged and turned over to sit up, only to fall onto the floor.

"Oof!" You said, landing on your back. 

Bonnie tried to cover his laughter as he walked over, pulling the sheets away from you and picking you up. A sudden pain filled your legs as you stood, making you wobble. 

Bonnie grabbed your arms again, looking concerned. "What's wrong?"

You grit your teeth. "You suck."

He stared at you for a moment, then his face went red and he looked away. "O-oh, sorry...I'll be more gentle next time."

"Gah!" You said, your face flushing red as you pushed him away. He looked at you with a sly grin, rubbing the back of his neck. "Perv." You muttered, stumbling to the closet to pull out your uniform. You checked to make sure the door was closed, then put it on and glared at Bonnie as he smirked at you.

"Oh, now I can watch you change!" He teased, turning to the door to walk out.

You rolled your eyes and followed slowly. Walking into the kitchen, you grabbed some bread and put it in the toaster. You tapped your foot as you waited. When it finally popped out, you grabbed a small plate and put butter on it, then covered it in sugar and cinnamon. Your mouth watered just by looking at it and you started to chow down. Bonnie was microwaving some frozen waffles, staring at the plate as it rotated.

You were already done with your breakfast by the time he was putting syrup on his waffles. You groaned and dragged him, with the plate, to the front room, grabbing your keys and walking to the parking lot. Bonnie ate the waffles as he walked, looking quite funny since he hadn't done anything with his hair. You grinned and got into your car, waiting for him to get in before starting it and pulling out.

The only sounds in the car were of Bonnie loudly chewing the waffles, making you cringe.

"Bonniiiiiiiiee! Manners! Chew with your mouth closed." You said, glaring at the road in front of you.

He shrugged and grinned. "I wondered how long it would take you to get annoyed."

You rolled your eyes and sighed in relief as the pizzeria came into view. You pulled in and parked, pulling the keys from the ignition and hopping out. Bonnie followed slowly, leaving his plate on the seat. You walked in and looked around. It was oddly quiet. Not even the music box was playing...that meant Marionette was out somewhere around.

You decided to look for him, going through all the party rooms first. The only thing you saw was Baloon Boy and JJ, which completely freaked you out. You shook your head and walked into the stage room. Marionette was standing, or actually, floating, in front of the stage. The toy animatronics were powered down, and you couldn't see what Marionette was looking at.

You jogged over to him, Bonnie following slowly. "Hey, Marionette, whatcha-" You stopped, looking at what Marionette was.

A large, old, rusty yellow bear stood. It looked like Golden and Freddy but seemed to have a different style. It had a purple bowtie and top hat but was super tall. You recognized it, but you couldn't remember where from until it clicked. The original. Fredbear.

You swallowed as it turned to You. You both stared for a moment until it ran at you. You screamed and covered your face with your arms, but the weight that surrounded you was totally not what you were expecting. You opened your eyes to see Fredbear...hugging you? You stared for a moment until it set you down.

Its jaw moved as if it was speaking, but only static and creaks came out. You covered your ears and it stopped. Fredbear looked at you for a moment, then started to pace.

"M-Marion-ette...what is Fredbear doing here?" You asked, looking at him shakily.

You felt arms around you as Bonnie held you close, pulling you into his chest as he eyes the bear warily.

"I...I have no idea." He said, looking at Fredbear.

You stared in shock. "But, only you can give life...right?"

He turned to you. "I-I don't even know if it's a soul in there, (Y/N). It doesn't have the soul feel. It feels dead, but... it's still alive."

Suddenly the bear bent over, creaking loudly as it started to shake. Rust fell off as it started to shrink. A bright white glow filled the room, making you cover your eyes. When you opened them, you gasped at what you saw, tears filling your eyes.


Haha! Our boio Jeremy hasn't left completely yet! But why is he here? Why is he in the Fredbear suit? Who brought him back? Or did he do it on his own? You'll have to wait and see! Anyway, hope y' all enjoyed. Until next time!

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