He's ten centimetres away

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"What are you doing here?" We whisper in unison. It is a library, after all.

I furrow my eyebrows and stare him down. "What am I doing here? What are you doing here?" I should be nicer during my first exchange of words with Brayden Snow, but if the kid wants to keep up his reputation then he's got to learn how to stay away from here.

His eyes suddenly widen. "Oh, crap. You must be that girl Annabelle."

Leaning back in my chair, I slightly scoff. "Yeah, don't refer to me as 'that girl.' And you haven't answered my question," I say, pointing at him.

"Okay, okay fine," He puts his hands up in defeat. "Can't a guy read?"

"Oh, yeah, sure. A guy can read. And have an expensive fandom shirt. And come to a library that nobody knows exists. Oh, and of course, a completely normal guy would totally fanboy over The Fault in Our Stars."

Brayden breathes out. "Okay! I get it. Yeah, I'm a fanboy."

Finally I smile, satisfied with my skills, but I don't know what to make of this. Part of me wants to jump up and fangirl with him, but part of me whispers, he may be a fanboy, but he's still Brayden freaking Snow. Why would you two ever socialize?

My thoughts are interrupted as the bell rings. So cliché, I think.

Brayden bounces up. Quickly he buttons up his shirt, masking his inner fandom shirt. I lean back and watch him with a slightly raised eyebrow as he shoves a few books into his bag.

"I wasn't here, you didn't see me, we never talked." He points at me with his index finger and I sigh. "Sure, yeah, whatever."

I grab my books and stuff them in my sling bag. When I look up again, Brayden is almost at the door when he spins around. His stare is intense. "You can't tell anyone."

"Of course," I assure him. I would probably ask him for a favour, if he had been someone else. But again, he's Brayden freaking Snow.

I now have dirt on Brayden Snow.


Usually, when I enter the classroom for English, the first thing I notice is whatever we'll be learning on the board.

Instead I find my eyes wandering over to Brayden's desk. As per usual, he is surrounded by two thirds of the class. Callie's watermelon butt (which I'm certain is fake), currently sits upon his desk. Only now do I notice how he is leaning back a bit. I wonder if anyone else sees the faint cringe he is wearing.

I snap back into my life and take a desk in the middle row, right next to the window. I love sitting next to the window. English is easy--I don't need to listen in class. Instead I stare out into the open and try to imagine different scenarios.

Mr. James stands up and puts his hands together. "Chapter Seven. We'll read it together, then you can answer the discussion questions." Everyone pulls out their books and open to chapter seven. As for me, I open my book, place it on my lap, subtly stare out the window, and pretend to read.

Does that surprise you? Just because I like reading doesn't mean I like all books.

I think about a scenario where I have the wings of Maximum Ride. The Erasers would come to attack--and then I'd suddenly spread out my wings and save everyone in the whole school. Max would have thought that showing her wings would make everyone see her as different--I'd think they'd see me as a superhero.

For a moment I think about that. Being a superhero. Not exactly being a superhero, but being different. Tris is Divergent. Clary is a Shadowhunter. Katniss is the Mockingjay. What am I?

I hear a tap-tap-tap. I bite my lip when I look up to see Mr. James looking down at me. "Just because you get A's in my class doesn't mean you don't have to participate," he says in that low voice. I nod and look back at my book. A couple snickers escape before Mr. James shushes them.

"It's the window isn't it? Very distracting, I know," he nods. This is the reason he's my favourite teacher--because he understands at the very least. "So I'll just move you. Callie, would you switch with Annabelle please? Thank you."

Callie and I both look at each other in disgust. I don't want to move away from the window and she doesn't want to move away from Brayden. Despite this, she almost trips me as I walk to her former seat.

Great, so now I'm about ten centimetres away from Brayden Snow. Wonderful. Just great.

For another twenty minutes or so, we continue to read, but this time I can feel eyes on me. Callie, obviously, sending me daggers from behind, Mr. James, making sure I don't daydream again, a couple other kids full of envy... And Brayden, who glances at me every so often for who knows what reason. I don't bother trying to figure it out.

I don't exactly enjoy it, and I try to get lost in the book, but I just can't--not with the amount of people looking and definitely not with the storyline of this book--it's awful. I get through it by thinking to myself over and over again, it's only one class. Just one class.

But I guess the odds are not in my favour because right when the bell rings, Mr. James announces: "Oh, and these will be your permanent seating arrangements for this class. For the rest of the year."


IM BACK BABY winter break ayyeee

ok so yall should know that this isnt really edited too well ahahhahah so im so sosososos soosso sos so so so sorry it sucks & is hella short

i am actually so sorry for being dead for 9493929 years but i hope i can get a few more updates innn

oh yeah and HAF hit 200 reads!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS

okieee see ya later pls VOTE & COMMENT TY LY

~Jubelleeeeeeeeeee 💕

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