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-Spike's POV-
Everypony and Dragons, who are pilots, are here and accounted for. The Dragon with a black eyepatch on his left eye was giving us a speech.

"Now fellow soldiers," he began, "when you are in your stations, the soldiers on the ground will help clear the Imperial pilots from destroying our pilots. It won't be easy and it's risky, but we have one shot at this. We either win or die trying." I gulped, but stayed calm. "Now everyone, get to your stations." All the pilots and the soldiers were getting ready while I was walking to the X-Wing. I heard hooves and didn't need to know who it is.

"Hey, Rarity." I greeted her. She didn't say anything and I sighed. I turned around to face her. "Look, Rarity, I–" She cuts me off.

"Spikey Wikey, I cannot allow you to go and risk your life out there." She said, sternly. Eyes glaring at me, then softened with a sad expression. "I can't lose you, again." Her eyes started welling up inside her. "When I saw you in that gurney, my mind came to me that there was something more I was afraid of. It was never about critics saying about my dress design, or not finding a good dress, or my business closing down. It was about losing you and everyone. I don't want that fear to come true. I...I..." She couldn't finish her sentence because she was crying. I hugged her and gave her kisses, showing my affection, which could be the last time.

"Rarity..." She looks at me and I stared into her eyes. "I may be a Dragon, but I'm a Jedi. I know it's too dangerous and all, but someone has to help them. I don't if it will be the last time we see each other, but if it is, know that I'll always be there for you." I kissed her as she kissed me back. We let go and she gave me a tearful smile, walking away. I sighed to myself, thinking that this could be the last time I'll ever see her again. I got on the X-Wing as were the pilots. We went flying and saw Death Mountain.

"This is Shadow One, over. Confirm pilots." Said Shadow One.

"Sunlight Seven, over."

"Night Three, over."

"Shadow Five, over."

"Shadow Six, over.

"Stars Two, over." I said, confirming.

"Crimson Four, over."

"Alright, team. We have one shot at this. Be careful of the Mountain's defenses and the pilots."

"This is where the fun begins." I said to myself. Lasers were out and the air battle begins. I dodged the fighters without taking a hit so far. I was somehow good at this. I flew over them and was behind them, shooting lasers at them. I shot one and it crashes down. "Yes!"

-Somewhere in the forest, First Sister's POV-
I walked in pained, my ankle twisted. Urgh! Next time I see those Jedi again, I'm gonna kill them! I kept walking until I heard lasers and went to the source. I looked at it and saw Death Mountain and starfighters. My mind began to wonder why this was happening until I realized something.

"MAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!" I screamed in hatred. He will pay for sending it to kill me! He. Will. Pay.

-On air, Spike's POV-
I kept dodging like it was nothing. So far, the only pilots down are Sunlight Seven, Shadow Six, and Crimson Four. There's only four of us left. I went to the weak spot it has and dodged every firepower they got at me. I'm feeling confident. However, my wing was hit and I was keeping at a strong line, keeping it from falling. I fired torpedoes and they went into the hole.

-Sunflower Blossom's POV-
The Rebels and I were firing ion torpedoes at the enemies until they all fell down. Then heard rumbling from the Death Mountain. It was shaking until it exploded. Everyone cheered and the pilots were landing in the docking area.

-Rarity's POV-
I run as fast as I can and saw all the X-Wings landed. I looked around for Spike, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Spike?" I called out to him. "Spike! Are" My eyes were welling up as I tried to ignore the fact that he's...g...gone. I cried on the floor and cried and cried when I heard steps behind.

"Rarity?" I heard a voice that sounded familiar.

To be continue...
I never thought I sat this, but is Spike alive or...well, you know, a Force Ghost? Please don't kill me. Who knows? Maybe he's still alive. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna start running to my hiding place where you won't find me. *Starts running*

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