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☁︎ prologue ☁︎

A little girl ran outside from the first-grade classroom after everyone else left, to the playground.

Her little sneakers made click-clack sounds as she sped down the hallway, not caring if she was going to be scolded for running.

She was excited to finish her book, Finding Laura Buggs. Even considering it was a book for an average ninth grader, she enjoyed reading high level reading books. She would usually read a book a day. But what made this book the most eye-catching to her was the title had her beloved sister's name. Right when she saw the cover of the book in the rusty old bookstore, she knew it was fate.

She pushed the heavy door with all her power and pranced down the cement to her favorite reading spot; the park bench that faced the playground.

The chilly wind made her cheeks tingle a bit, regretting not bringing a scarf or hat. She wasn't one who liked being in the cold. She'd rather be cozied up in a bunch of blankets in front of a fireplace. While reading a book of course.

She dusted off the sand on the park bench and jumped up to the seat, scooting around so she is in a comfortable position. She placed her book down next to her and ruffled up her puffy light pink jacket up her arm so her tiny hands were visible.

She reached to the side trying to pick up her a book but all she felt was the cold metal of the bench. She drew her eyebrows, what happened to her book?

She looked around and saw Ryan, skimming through the pages of the book as his face looked like he was reading a book of an alien's language.

If she was a different girl, she would have been surprised to see him here touching her belongings but she was Tara Williams. Of course, Ryan is back at it again to put her at her wood's end. She felt like Ryan thought it was his duty, his life's mission, to have her feel like strangling him.

"Hey, give that back!" She squeals. If she lost her book or had it taken away from her, she knew her mom would be deeply upset, as it had happened before.

She reached her hand over, palm upwards, and waited for her book to be placed on it but felt nothing.

"What the heck is this? It looks like a stupid book!" He exclaims, hurting Tara's feelings.

"Hey! You said the 's' word! That's a bad word!" She was beginning to get angry. She just wanted to read peacefully and find out who Laura's parents were. The curiosity was killing her! She unluckily stopped reading at a cliffhanger because she was caught by the teacher during class. Miss Caroline gave her a pejorative look and stated that if she saw it once more, she would have it taken away from her.

"Just give me the book, please!" She said the magic word, so she hoped it would do the trick.

Ryan put on a playful grin and raised the book as high as he could on his tippy toes. "Try and get it then."

Laura hops off the bench and starts jumping with her hands in the air. There was no chance she was getting the book. She was very short for her age and was often picked on for it.

"Gimme it! Ryan, you aren't being nice!" She squeals as she kept on trying her best to reach for it. Knowing Ryan, she knew he would stay like this for the rest of recess to make her irritated.

Gavin starts laughing, taunting her for her height and low ability to reach. It made her even more stressed.

"Hey, Ryan," says a voice in the distance.

Laura looks to where the voice was coming from and saw a tall boy. She recognized him immediately from her homeroom class; he had long waves of chestnut hair that looked incredibly soft. He was also an aberration from the other boys. He had polite manners unlike them and was very nice to others. She knew a lot of girls have liked him secretly and would always smile at him in a loving way.

But her favorite thing about him is his ocean blue eyes.

She has always adored blue eyes. They reminded her of the ocean back in her other favorite spot. They gave her a homey and sweet feel. Every time summer came around, her family would travel to California and go to the Carpinteria State Beach every day. It was her favorite time of the year and she had felt extremely fortunate to come across the beach.

The soft, warm sand slipping in between her toes, the ocean breeze combing through her hair, and the sound of the waves crashing down in a repeating form gave her sense of tranquility.

Of course, she was upset when she didn't get her own set of ocean blue eyes. She was sad that she ended up with a boring pair of brown colored eyes. When she started to develop her love for blue eyes, she locked herself in her room and cried. She wouldn't look in the mirror for a week.

Kyle reached his hand back to scratch his nape. "Oh hey Tara. Gavin, why are you holding a book?" He questioned.

"Hello," she mumbled back with her bottom lip in between her teeth.

Gavin glances at me before looking back at Tyler. He yanks the book down from his hold and hugged it to his chest. "I'm reading it. It's mine."

Tara gasped at Ryan like a fish. That was her book, now he's lying! She looks at Kyle and saw him with an uninterested look on his face. "Ryan, give it back to her."

My knight in shining armor with ocean blue eyes!

I clapped excitedly as Ryan sighed and handed me my book.

I held it tightly to my own chest and watched them walk away from the playground to the soccer field. Her interest in reading the book was slowly fading away. She watched Ryan passing the soccer ball to Kyle as he ran and dribbled it down the field. She stared at his moves in amazement. He is a professional!

She couldn't believe he saved her from Ryan. Tara feels a weird gushy feeling and felt her cheeks warm up to a pink tint. She hoped it was because of the cold wind but deep down, she knew she has started to develop something for her knight in shining armor.

With blue eyes.

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