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dr lee? changkyun frowned and. was he at the hospital? he wanted to say something but his throat was still dry like a desert. dr lee seemed to understand and gave him a bottle of water he somehow brought with him.

changkyun felt the cold liquid running down his throat. it was so relieving because before it felt like he didn't drink something for months. after changkyun drank the whole bottle he was finally able to talk again though his voice sounded very scratchy and broke.

"where am i? i don't remember anything."

dr lee sighed and cleared his throat.

"you're in the st general hospital."

before he could say something else a young lady opened the door.

"oh heeyoung, i'm glad you're here. we need a full body exam for changkyun."

the female nodded and left the room again.

"w-why am i here? what happened?" changkyun asked, really wanted to know everything because he didn't remember a single thing.

dr lee bit his lower lip and seemed to think about something.

"i'll tell you later, at the moment your condition is not stable enough and if i tell you you'll probably have a blackout again."

changkyun nodded, not really understanding this decision. what must have happened that the doctor was worried about his condition?

"i'll come back later but for now i have to look after other patients." dr lee stood up and gave changkyun a quick pet on the shoulder, then he left the room.

it didn't take long until another person entered. changkyun didn't see him before. it was also a young man. he was wearing a doctor's coat and in his hand he was holding pen and writing pad.

"hiiii." changkyun could already feel his excited energy.

"i'm minhyuk, nice to meet you!"

the younger boy smiled.

"i'm changkyun, nice to meet you too."

"i know who you are pabo." the minhyuk boy laughed and sat down next to his patient.

"soooooo dr lee already told me that i should do a full body exam with you. is that okay for you?"

changkyun nodded and laid back in his bed. minhyuk started to scan the boy.

when his hands touched changkyun's tummy the younger suddenly felt pain and gasped.

"oh i'm sorry i forgot, my fault."

"w-what did you forget?" changkyun wanted to know.

"uhm does it hurt there?" minhyuk touched his tunny again and changkyun nodded.

"what is this?"

"you don't know?"

changkyun shook his head. now he was even more confused.

"this is the scar from your operation."

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