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it was getting dark when changkyun decided to return in the hospital. he was freezing especially because he wasn't wearing shoes. he enjoyed almost the whole day outside. luckily nobody was searching for him in the little park. probably they thought he went home or something.

changkyun was sure that they were searching for him but he was happy they didn't find him yet. most of the time he sat behind a bush and observed the people walking by. for some people it might seem like a very boring activity but not for changkyun. at some point he started singing which made some people stop and listen.

changkyun's voice was rough at the beginning but when he sung for some minutes it didn't sound that bad. it was fun and changkyun enjoyed it quite well. maybe he should become a singer in the future?

it really was a wonder that the employees didn't find him though it was obvious where he was and they couldn't miss him when they'd go outside. later in the afternoon an old man sat down next to him and just listened to his singing.

changkyun already sung for two hours some melodies who came into his mind with lyrics who were somehow stuck in his head without knowing where they came from.

after a while the man started humming to changkyun's singing which made the boy smile. the man wore white clothes and changkyun somehow knew that he also hospitalized here.

they didn't exchange any words they just enjoyed their time. words were superfluous and changkyun asked himself if the man also fled from the monotonous live in the white building. when it got late changkyun stood up and smiled at the old man.

the other smiled back and waved. changkyun had the strange feeling that he would never see the man again and it seemed like the man knew it too. with that weird and unexplainable feeling the red haird returned into the building.

the surrounding was already dark and just the entrance was lit up. when he entered he first saw no one but then a very familar person appeared and immediately changkyun wished himself far away.

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