i remember

206 15 2

changkyun's heart was beating fast when he entered the cafe. there he was, sitting at this favorite table and reading the menu. changkyun's legs were shaking when he walked over to the table.

"heyy changkyun!" he smiled and told changkyun to sit down with him. changkyun smiled at him nervously and took the menu but it slided through his wet of sweat hands and landed on the ground.

when changkyun wanted to pick it up the other was faster and handed it over to him. changkyun was sure his head was red like a tomato and so he tried to cover it with the menu card. he knew he he acted embarassing.

the two boys ordered their beverages. changkyun was thinking hard about what he should do now. should he tell him? right now? it was probably the only solution because that was why he was here. he took a deep breath and prepared himself mentally for the answer he could get.

"jooheon, the reason why were here is because i have to talk to you."

jooheon shrugged and smiled.

"no problem you know you can tell me everything, i'm your best friend."

ouch. changkyun put on a fake smile and sighed.

"i thought about telling you for a long time right now and I think you deserve to know it..."

he swallowed and couldn't look at jooheon.

"i-i have a crush on you jooheon. for almost a year now."

it was deadly silent at their table. neither changkyun nor jooheon said something. changkyun was close to cry. he already knew what answer he would get. the only thing he could do now was hoping that jooheon didn't hate him.

but he didn't expect what the other was doing right now. jooheon stood up without a word and walked out of the cafe.

changkyun jumped up and followed him.

"jooheon please! don't leave me, say something!" he whined while tears were already running down his cheeks. he expected an answer from jooheon and not that he just ran away. he wanted an answer.

jooheon crossed the street, almost running.

changkyun wanted to follow him too but in this money the traffic light went green.

changkyun didn't notice and kept running. then there suddenly was a loud crack and he felt pain. so much pain that he wished he was dead.


he heard jooheon scream his name but then his sight blurred and everything went dark.

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