Three Lonely, Painful Weeks

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           I didn't see him again for a while. It was only a few weeks but in my heart it felt like a hundred years. I'd only really known him for a day yet I missed him with an unbearable passion and it seemed to make everything move in slow motion. I'd rush to work everyday hoping to get a chance to see him again, and each day I was left disappointed.
            "What's with the long face Scarlet?" I heard behind me. I turn and see Peggy, a girl who worked with me and Monica at the cafe. She stood exactly five feet tall and always wore her blonde hair in two pigtails, giving her the appearance of a little girl.
             "Nothing." I said with a sigh. "Just tired."
             "She's thinking bout that boy again!" Monica shouted from the other end of the cafe while wiping the windows.
             "A boy?" Peggy exclaimed, moving in closer to me. "How come I never heard about this boy?" She poked me playfully. "Oh it's really no big deal." I said, rolling my eyes. "He's just some guy. It's nothing really."
              "It's not just some guy." Monica said, turning to us and putting her hand on her hips. "You've been giving him heart eyes everyday he's come in here and you were practically drooling all over him last week."
              "Oooooh what's his naaaaame?" Peggy sang, jumping up and down, which really made her look like a little girl.
               "Al Pacinooo!" Monica said, playfully flirtatious as she moved her eyebrows up and down. Peggy's doe-like eyes lit up. "Hey I know that name!" She said ecstatically. I finally turn to her in excitement. "Really?" I said.
"Yeah!" Peggy said. "I saw him in a play one time a couple months back and he was amazing! Is that really the guy you've been seeing? Boy if it is..." She began to fan herself and pretended to faint. 
I giggled. "Well we only spoke once." I said looking down. "Oh they did more than just speak." Monica said walking towards us. "They were all over each other!" "Oh Scarlet I find you so breathtaking! Oh Al my heart belongs to you until my dying breath!" She teased, dramatically putting her hand over her heart.
             Peggy rolled her eyes. "Don't listen to her, she's just jealous." She said. "Soooo what's he like?"
             Suddenly, I couldn't hold my emotions in anymore. I had to let it out or else I'd explode. "Oh he's so beautiful!" I said, gazing out of the window with my hand on my chin. "I can't even look at him without my heart stopping. And don't get me started on that smile. He has such a dark and intense face and so when he smiles it's like it could light the entire city. And he's so funny too. He never failed to make me laugh. God just sitting next to him for ten minutes felt like a little slice of heaven. He has such a good vibe and he talks with so much passion and sincerity. God he's just...perfect."
             Peggy sighed and smiled dreamily. "He sounds perfect." She said. "If only I could find a guy like that."
             "God look at you." Monica said, standing next to me and staring deeply in to my face. "You're so far gone already. That boy has you're heart locked up and he doesn't even know it."
              I didn't look at her, instead I kept my eyes on the window and smiled lightly. She giggled and turned away towards the coffee machine. "Don't forget about Friday!" She said, pouring herself a cup of coffee. "Friday?" I said in confusion. "Oh for Christ's sake, Scarlet." Monica said turning back to me. "You really forgot didn't you?" I looked up for a moment and shut my eyes. What could I have had to do on Friday? Suddenly I open my eyes in realization. "OOOh!" I said, turning to Monica. "The audition!"
"Mhmm" Monica hummed, sipping her coffee.
I was so wrapped up in Al I forgot I was auditioning for a musical on Friday.
"I don't know if I wanna do that."
"What?" Monica responded. "We've been talking about it for weeks, Scarlet"
"I know it's just..." I said, looking down at the floor. "It's just I've never sang in front of people before I don't know if I'm ready."
"Cmon, Scarlet you have to do it." Peggy spoke up. "What've you got to lose?"
"My will to live." I replied.
"Oh don't be so dramatic." Monica said. "Peggy's right you've got nothing to lose. We've gone over the song a million times and I promise you, you're gonna knock their socks off. This could really be your big break"
I sighed deeply. Finally I gave in. "Oh alright fine I'll do it." I said. Monica and Peggy both jumped excitedly and I rolled my eyes. Dear, God, I thought. Don't let me fuck this up.

An Al Pacino fic: The Velvet Sky Over Manhattan Where stories live. Discover now