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Outlined against the moonlight, several cats padded along, their eyes glowing dimply in the darkness. Their ears were flattened, mud-splattered pelts bristling as they stalked tentatively, setting down each paw with a cautious shiver. They strode, heads raised proudly, but eyes weary with fear. One cat lingered behind, her small body shivering with such furiousness, it was likely she would stumble and fall of the precarious cliffs and rock faces that surrounded the sleek group of cats. She padded along slowly, her trembling body making her falter. She tripped up and stumbled at regular intervals, her body banging with a loud ‘smack’ against the ground, sending pebbles flying everywhere, creating loud clinks and clatters as they ricocheted of other boulders down below. Her gaze scanned the darkness and she fought to stand up, stretching her fatigued limbs. She bounded forward, carefulness forgotten as she strove to catch up with her comrades, “Wait up!” She mewed, voice lost in the eerie wind that cascaded from all sides, “Wait…” She breathed, paws aching, heart pumping as she fought against the blackness that had already engulfed the edges of her vision.

She continued padding forward, relieved at the odd brush of a cat’s tail-tip or loud thump of a paw-step. She lowered her head, fixing her gaze on her paws that seemed a dull grey in the pale moonlight, whereas in reality, they were bright silver like the scales of a fish. I wonder where we are, she thought privately, lifting her head for a few heartbeats to scan the surrounding landscape. She felt a heavy heart, as all she saw was darkness blanketing the world around her. Her heartbeat rapidly quickened as she felt the need to take quicker gasps of air as she clambered up the steep mountainside. She wanted to ask, “Where are we going?” But she knew the only answer she would get would be a cuff around the ears. Is the world eternal? Is there no end? She thought as she prodded a large pebble with her paw, watching it tumble away.


She halted abruptly as the piercing deep mew echoed all around her and she recognized the voice of their leader and she raised her head, pricking her ears as she fought to listen over the screeching wind.

“Everyone gather around!”

She followed her comrades, till they had formed a semi-circle loop around their leader, their eyes dimly gleaming, reflecting the subtle glow of the moon. They all tilted their heads, looking questioningly at their leader. What is happening?

“We have arrived.” The rumbling voice seemed almost deafening, even with the constant howl of the wind rattling in their ears.

She bristled, scanning the land in front of her. Nothing was there. Utterly barren, she thought silently. Until she realized the ground was pitch-black. No, there was no ground. It was a hole, a deep chasm across the earth that seemed to radiate eternal darkness. She found herself shaking uncontrollably as she turned her terrified gaze on her leader. Her leader raised his head, golden eyes glowing like discs of sunshine.

“We are going to jump inside.” His deep mew was laced with authority, and his eyes seemed to dare anyone to object.

She bristled with outrage. How could he make us do that? She opened her mouth to say something when she realized none of her other comrades were uttering a word or growling. In fact, they were utterly calm. What is wrong with them? Are they blind? Can’t they see how dangerous this is? This is the product of moons of travelling? An everlasting chasm? Does he want to send us to our deaths? She kept utterly silent, though a regular bristle would rack her body, making one of her comrades glare at her.

“Line up and one by one we fill plunge into our destiny!”

More like plunge to our death, she thought pessimistically. Excited mewls spread across the group of cats and her eyes widened in shock. They wanted to do it? Fear swamped her system as the cats began to line up and she found herself last. She sheathed and unsheathed her claws, trying to ignore the fear scent that was emanating from herself.

Her leader’s eyes were unreadable pools of amber, “Begin. I will go last, to make sure everyone is safe.”

Cats began to step forward to the edge, plunging themselves into the obsidian darkness. They went one after the other, gazes blank as if a far away force was controlling them. Every time one plummeted into the chasm, she stepped forward, her whole body shuddering. This is it. This is how I’m going to die. She halted, breath caught in her throat as she realized it was her turn. Yowls of agony and terror rose from the pit, bathing her in a reeking scent of her comrades’ fear. She shivered, the tremble racking her whole body as she backed away from the chasm.

“Come on,” Her leader stepped forward, “It’s your turn. You are the last one.”

She nodded slowly and stepped forward and shut her eyes. She took another step forward, but this time, her front paws met nothing but empty air and she fell forward, her body engulfed in the darkness. She felt the unmistakable aroma of blood fill the air around her with the agonizing yowls of her comrades broken into shards on the ground below. If there is an end, she thought with horror.

The last thing she heard before she hit the ground, her spine snapping with a definite crack, was the eerie laughing of her leader echoing from up above.

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