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"Interesting, Odin." Loki forced his bottom lip to not quiver, and held his composure best he could. He tugged against the long chains that bound him, looking down to glare at his restraints. He hated his hearings with his 'stepfather'.

"Enternity will reach it's end before you're welcome back on Asgard, boy." His harsh words, spat from his lead tounge, struck Loki like a dagger. He was clear to leave no room for an protest against his word.

The now ex-prince of Asgard held his head high as he was pulled out of the Palace room, but his rage only built internally. He was soon returned to his temporary quarters, where a waiting Lady Sif informed him that he would be exiled at the break of dawn.

"You musn't look so happy about this. Learn to keep a straight face, Sif."

The warrior's smug expression faltered as she scowled at his words. "I'll host a grand feast to celebrate your leave, Loki."

She spoke as if calling him by his name was a worthy insult to spit at the man. Which, to much of Asgard, was true. He was infamous and hated.

The morning was long and tedious, and Loki hadn't slept for longer than the cumulative time he blinked. He craned his neck to look at the door, where a familar voice could be heard from the other side. "Brother, get ready." Thor's voice sounded loaded with guilt and sadness. Loki let the silence reply for him, as he used a simple spell to change his garments. He wore a long black suit, with a ash grey scarf. He pulled his hair back to create his usual slicked style.

The man opened the door and met Thor's pained blue eyes with his green ones. "I won't miss anyone in this cursed realm." The only person that would have been an exception was Frigga, whom had met her end during an attack on the royalty. Loki's eyebrows knitted at the painful memory.

The two brothers walked alongside one another, to the ceremony in which they banished Loki from returning. Odin recited a plastic speech, memorized centuries ago for tradition. "Any last words?" Odin asked, not wanting Loki to answer.

"Have Heimdall contact me when you change your minds. It'll be fun to watch you all, citizen and royal alike, burn in your era of need." He laughed at the Allfather's scornful expression. Heimdall's unreadable golden eyes pierced Loki's, which was the last thing he saw before the Bifrost launched him through space towards Midguard.
The land he was sent to was New York, where the Avengers were known to reside in. Heimdall decided to do so as a safety precaution for the mortals living on Midguard. The Avengers were also mortal, but they had enough resources to stunt Loki if he ever attempted a mad attempt of achieving power.

Getting settled to his new enviroment, he noticed the oxygen was thinner and of lesser quality than of Asgard. Breathing heavily, he looked around. On his left, he saw the giant 'A' on a skyscraper. He immediately recognized it. "That quim." The ravenette muttered angrily. It was then, when his pent up emotions had flooded his rational thinking. The Avengers were why he wasn't ruling this realm as an omnipotent god. Filled with rage, the God of Mischief summoned an item he had stolen from the relic room before his leave- the Teseract. He felt its power, and the glowing light of the cube made his eyes shine with a brilliant blue. It took him no less than thirty minutes to get hundreds of New York civillians under his power.

The tower shook, as if an earthquake had hit. Something was wrong, though, it was too powerful to be natural. "Jarvis? What's happening?" Tony Stark's quick voice broke a silence.
"Loki, the God of Mischief, is outside and is attempting to destroy the tower." The AI answered. Parts of Tony's suit flew at him, first with the extremities and each part worked up his body. He alerted the other avengers present, which were Nat, Clint, and Steve. "Reindeer Games is back. Get ready."

Loki had his mind slaves attack the building, the sheer number making them capable of crashing through the strong glass doors. "They will all pay for what they've caused." He murmered, the mind stone inadverdantly affecting him as well. Loki only watched for a minute or two, as a shield hitting his head threw him out of his attentive state. He whipped around angrily.

"Oh? Only four of you?" He mocked.

"Four is all we need to kill you, Loki." Steve retorted as his shield flew back to him.

"Funny." Loki muttered, willing his horned helmet and thick armor on.

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