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"Well, you'd might as well tell them everything about me, Stark." Loki hissed as Tony treated the gashes with antiseptic and gauze. "Or would you like me to say all the personal facts about me, hmm?"

Tony sighed. "Nah, I'll do it. You're adopted, and your brother is better than you in most, if not all, ways." It was clear only to himself that it was his usual snark- nothing personal was intended to hurt the Norse enigma.

Of course, Loki did not know that. He stiffened up at the words and bit his tongue for feeling the way he did. His mop of black, messy hair fell along with his face, as he gazed down onto the sterile white tiles of the floor. Sure, it was true, but Tony didn't have to bring it up. Deciding he had enough, Loki glared at the man of iron and stalked to the bathrooms. There, Loki's eyes spilled hot, angry tears. His cheeks were red and he knew his eyes would be swollen later. The sorcerer willed his clothes to change, so he was in a plain black shirt and jeans. It had to be two sizes smaller than his normal size to fit him properly.
"Why can't I just die?"
"I deserve to be in Hel with the other monsters like me."
"I am truly no more than a frost giant."
With each sentence he spoke, he stabbed himself in his torso. It went through the thin linen easily, and his skin was punctured each time.







With the last spoken word, Loki's knife transformed into a weapon that he remembered being stabbed with during battle- where he had faked his death. It was a large and heavy sword that stabbed right through the thin man, exiting his back in crimson red.

With that, the black-haired man fell unconscious.
Heimdall's bright eyes opened sadly. He said nothing but sent out a message to tell Thor to meet him at the Bifrost gate. Upon receiving the news, Thor dropped his task at hand and rushed to meet the all-seeing man.
"Yes, Heimdall, what have you summoned me for?"

"It is your brother."

"Loki? What about him?"

"As we speak, he is near death. He has been inflicting wounds onto himself that is far greater than any other he has experienced."

"Please, take me to him," Thor said, his blue eyes filled with regret.

Nodding, Heimdall turned the sword into the floor and opened the gates. Thor was sent to New York, right outside the Avenger's tower.

The blonde man quickly headed inside, Jarvis alerting the group of his arrival. Tony looked up to greet him but was met with outright rudeness. "Where is Loki?" His loud voice echoed.

"In those bathrooms. He hasn't come out for a while, though." Thor wasted no time slamming his fist against the door. Loki whipped his head up, but didn't reply.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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