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Have you ever wondered how the entire universe with billions of its galaxies, stars, planets and organisms---living and non-living and hordes of its societal and emotional complexities like love, hatred, jealousy, all burst out from a single, tiny speck of light? Have you ever pondered how the stars shine so brilliantly in the night sky; forcing its light through the darkness of space and earth's atmospheric obstruction.

Have you ever thought why your opinions differ from that of the masses; your yearn for peace pleases no warmongering citizen; your crave for purity and unconditional love in the world gratifies no materialistic soul; and yet you stand upto your perspective with solid conformity? Your light does not fall with the sands of time; nor does your rebellious streak diminish like the waves hitting the shore.

If yes, then you are an avatar. You are awake as opposed to the sleeping masses. You are consciously making an effort to change the world for the better. But you may ask, " How come I m bringing about a change? I am just thinking and not actively doing anything significant." Then let me tell you my dear people, that it is not always necessary to go out on the streets and protest; but keeping even a single good and loving thought of change creates a significant wave of loving transformation which conjoin with the waves emitted by a thousand like-minded others; resulting in a colossal energy wave; manifesting as the very change you wished for.

If you can correlate with all the things I just said, then you are an avatar of the devas. No, every avatar doesn't have an obligation to slay asuras; many also enter the material realm to create and put forward an ideology of love in order to steer the masses towards the light. Likewise avatars of asuras too incarnate, to enforce their ideologies of hatred, fear, wars and immoral lust to manipulate the masses.

Purity and dharma was paramount in the Sat Yuga. But as the illusionary time flew by, goodness and purity began to diminish. Dwapar Yuga experienced 50% degradation in human values and hence the episodes of vastraharan and inhumane killings in the battles took place.

But all this time there was absolutely NO saviour for anyone.

As goes the saying, "God helps them, those who helps themselves." Hence Lord Krishna and the Pandavas took their mortal form to put forward their own ideologies which showed the masses the pathway towards light.

If Ram incarnated to teach the royals the qualities of an exemplary king and ideals of an absolute man( apart from slaying Ravana), then Krishna came to enlighten humanity with the lessons of Bhagavad Gita( you know the rest). Radha came to spread unconditional, lustless love while Draupadi took physical form to become a symbol of forgiveness, feminity and creative and fiery power. She showed humanity the strength that it takes to unequivocally work for the citizens even when everything is lost and undauntingly fight for loved ones inspite of prestige being at stake. Arjun embodied to teach the world how sheer concentration and the vigor for non competitive learning can raise a man to great heights; and at the same time proved that devotion and complete surrender towards the Lord can even bring down great armies to one's toe. Bhima portrayed simplicity and love inspite of possessing raw power while Nakul expressed that the purity of a man's heart is not determined by the number of scriptures he has read but rather through his actions. Being an expert wielder of swords, matched in beauty by non other and a son of Madri; he could have easily let himself get overcome by the vices of jealousy and greed; and hence rebelled and raised a claim for his own kingdom; but the love and purity of his core surpassed all his vices making him abandon the throne for the more able and worthier individual;not even of his own blood and in turn toiled for his success. This made his name shine in the pages of Jaya.

Sahadev---the man who knew too much. He taught resilience; that one should not divulge secrets of extreme importance; that one should at times, let go of big things for the greater good; that one should not turn their back to anyone, even their enemies, during their times of need; that one should not try to tamper with the divinely ordained future.

But you can ask, "What is the purpose of our birth if we do not get the opportunity to change our lives for the better? Should we accept our fates like Sahadev did?"

No dear ones, Sahadev was a spiritual man, having his 3rd eye open. He did not accept his fate. He knew that asuras had taken birth in large numbers in the form of Suyodhan and his brothers. So, he knew the significance of the inevitable war to end asura rule and hence let everything happen as pre-ordained

But , their purpose to diminish asura rule was successful as long as Dwapar Yuga prevailed. As soon as Kali Demon made its entry, it brought with it adharma, hatred and fear.

He made Dharma look like a coward ,enunch who failed to win any fight and took shelter under his brothers. He glorified adharmis and justified their hateful acts of cheerharan and parikshit's attemped murder.

He tried to make Dharma look useless and impractical in today's world.

Which is why I, your beloved Yudishthir wish to retell Jaya through my eyes. I know that you have read Jaya several times but I wish to clarify all your doubts regarding my actions, decisions and mistakes.

Dear ones, lets embark upon this journey once more.....

Yudhisthira-- Jaya through his eyesWhere stories live. Discover now