Nightime Mysterey

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The day was as normal as ones day could be with Jill around, they had gone into town for a bit, and in the process Jill had made two friends, Gaxy, a chubby girls with galaxy hair, and purple tinted skin and a short dress and stokings and flat shoes and eyes the colour of the moon, Jills other friend Reena, a skinny girl that had ross red cheeks and was an albino and wore mostly a T-shirt, and leggings and boots, surprisingly taller than Gaxy and Jill, Gaxy being the shortest. Jill teased Jack all the way home that he didn't make any friends, mostly because he felt weird and awkward by how people in their mothers house stared at him, it felt like he could read their minds, all the horrible things they would be saying about him.

These thoughts raced through his mind, he tried to sleep but couldn't, so he decided to go out, into the garden at the back, he walked down the stairs, avoiding looking at the abandoned tower on the side, his dark green pjs blended into the dark ominous hall that he entered. Everyone had gone to sleep, all the workers had either gone home or to their rooms in the mansion if they were slowly getting a house and had no where else to go, his mothers friends each in a big and private room, he didn't quite know where his mothers advisors where but soon found out. Jack walked in the empty hall, adjusting his eyes to the darkness, until he found a light and the sound of cakles and laughter, he turned a corner and found a room full of "people", if you could call them that.
There were five "people" in the room. One of them was beautiful, almost as pretty as Jacks mother, she had golden curls and wore a fluffy pink dress with pearl earrings, neaklace and bracelets, and glass high heels and her eyes a radiant pink, her perfect tan skin was so shiny, Jack thought she was a doll, but she was very much alive, drinking black tea.The next had a green tint to his skin and had green eyes, and a bush of oke leaves as hair, and brown skin, with wood patterns faintly on his skin, and was wearing a dark green top and blue pants, drinking oolong tea.One of them was paler than Reena, if that was even possible, she wore a lavander sewed jumper and mint coloured leggings with snow flakes on it, her eyes a baby blue colour, and was drinking steaming hot coffe, the glass looked very hot, enough to burn your had, but she sat casually and drank it.The next had a clock for an eye and a normal brown eye in the other, her wore very rustic sort of clothes, drinking hot chocolate.The last seat was empty, nobody looked in that direction, the old golden chair had cobwebs and dust on them, compared to the others, is that my mothers spot? He wondered, he saw a name carved into the spot, but couldn't strain his eyes to see that far.

Jack decided to leave befor they saw him, he crept out into the fresh air, and imidietly was hit with the smell of lavenders, his mothers favourite flower, the garden had a fountain in the middle, flowers growing around it, the garden was peaceful, it had a few willow trees, but mostly bushes and open space. Jack decided to sit on the fountains edge, tripping over flowers to not squish them, he let the chill air flow through him, he wondered what time it was.

He had a dream that he went into the forest and vines had started to grab him and pull him into the earth, he tried to scream, but his voice had just vanished, that's when he woke up. He decided that this dream could only have come from his mothers warning of not going into the forest, at first he thought it was such a cliché thing of her to say, but at first glance, you would not want to go in there, he guessed she was right.

Suddenly something tugged at his sleeve, it felt wet, he yelped and looked down, it was a water blob, it had little water droplets, that it used to tie around Jacks arm. "WHAT IN THE MOONS ARE YOU!?" Jack yelled as softly as he could at night, the little creature shoved him, clearly offended, "Yeesh sorry," Jack said looking into its weird black bug eyes, he put his pinky finder into the water blobs face, but the blob seemed unmoved by this. Jack felt the wind start to pick up, a gush if rain started to pore and he ran back inside, he looked over his shoulder and the creature was gone.

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