Chapter 6

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Brian's heart almost stopped when he walked into their flat and saw the two police officers in their living room.

"What's this?" He asked, quickly placing the bags of groceries on the floor. Both Freddie and John were standing, looking uncomfortable, while Roger sat on the couch.

"Mr. May I presume?" One of the officers reached his hand out to shake. "My name is Officer Stanton and this is my partner Officer Long. We are here to discuss some recent information pertaining to Mr. Taylor's case."

"It's fine if he's here too," Roger's voice was almost too quiet.

Brian glanced between the men and then slowly took a seat next to Roger. The younger man didn't turn to look at him but he tensed up. He could even see the way he clenched his jaw and a ball of unease settled in Brian's stomach.

"So... we have received several threats against Mr. Taylor's life," the nerves exploded into near panic. "Doctor Nathan Godfrey has-"

"That's his name?" Brian interrupted. He hadn't wanted to learn anything about the man who attacked Roger. It was easier to see him as a monster instead of a person who made the conscious decision to try and end Roger's life.

"Yes sir," the officer gave him a glance. "He has written several letters to Mr. Taylor from prison and they have all been screened. The letters threaten that he knows people who could injure or kill Mr. Taylor."

"Jesus," John breathed and gripped the back of the couch, almost like his knees had gone a bit weak.

"He did allude to previous letters. Do you have any recollection of that?" Stanton turned his attention to Roger.

"Am I being questioned?" Roger raised an eyebrow but squirmed.

"Of course not sir. I am just trying to get as much information as I possibly can," Stanton didn't look put off by Roger's huffs or eye rolls. He kept the same serious expression on his face until Roger sank down slightly and turned his eyes to the floor.

"He sent me some letters before."

Brian snapped his head to the side and stared at him in disbelief. How could Roger have gotten letters from a psychopath and never told them? How could he keep this from him? For a moment anger flared up in him before he reminded himself that Roger was already scared enough as it was. He breathed in deeply and clenched his hands into fists.

"Did you report these letters?"

"No," Roger huffed out a laugh.

"Why the hell not?" Freddie moved around the couch to look at Roger better. "Did he threaten you in the letters? Did you know this could happen?"

The silence that followed confirmed Brian's worst fears. "Oh God Roger."

"What was I supposed to say?" Roger snapped, arms tightening around his middle. "That some weird guy was sending me love letters? That he was writing about all the creepy, dirty things he wanted to do to me? No fucking way."

Brian was actually struck dumb at that. How could Roger possibly keep that a secret? How long had it been going on for?

"According to his newest letter he-"

"Do you have it?" Roger asked quickly.

"I do," the officer pulled a neatly folded piece of paper out of a folder that he was holding. Roger held his hand out expectantly and Stanton paused before handing it to him.

The expression on Roger's face as he read it was chilling. His eyes were completely blank as they flitted across the page. Brian felt his heart beating faster and faster until Roger finally folded the paper and tried to hand it back to the officer.

"Can I read it?" He asked softly. Roger gave him a long look before shrugging and handing him the letter. For a moment Brian considered just telling him to forget it. He didn't know if he wanted to humanize this man anymore than he had to. Then he realized that he couldn't let Roger do this alone. The fact that he didn't fight Brian on reading the letter showed that he actually wanted to reach out and get some help. His fingers trembled as he unfolded it.

My dearest Sunshine,

You haven't answered my last letters. Of course you've never answered my letters before but I have to make sure you understand that I am sorry. I am sorry I hurt you so badly. I never wanted to cause you pain and distress, please believe me.

I should have slit your throat with the knife or brought a gun to make it faster. Then you wouldn't be suffering in this mortal world but waiting for me in the next.

Don't worry. I have friends who will help us be together. They have promised me that they will end your life on earth as peacefully as they can. Once I hear of your sweet sleep I'll follow you into the dark and it'll be like we were never apart.

I have loved you from the first time I saw you walking into my class at university. You are so beautiful and so clever but you would never look at me. It's alright. Why would an angel look down at a mere human? Soon though we will embrace in the void and I promise that I will never let you go. I'll worship every part of you and you will know true bliss.

I will see you soon my love.

Yours forever,

Brian felt almost dizzy when he finished reading the letter. He couldn't tell if his heart was beating too fast or if it had stopped all together but his chest ached. When he finally glanced up he saw Roger staring back at him in trepidation, almost like he was scared of his response.

"He was your professor?" He finally asked.

"My professor's assistant," Roger mumbled back. "I didn't even know who he was."

"Wait, this has been happening since university?" Freddie interjected, eyes widening.

"It would... it was a few letters here or there or some little gifts. It wasn't anything big. When we came out with the first album he got a bit more excited I suppose," Roger twisted his fingers together. "I mean... they were just words right?"

"Until they weren't," John's voice shook a bit and Roger nodded.

"Until they weren't," he echoed.

"And judging by the fact that he has made good on his threats in the past we are worried that this threat could be possible," Stanton said, taking the letter back from Brian's numb fingers.

"What am I supposed to do?" Roger looked so lost that Brian felt his heart break. There wasn't any bravado or false smiles here. "Just... tell me what I am supposed to do."

The officer cleared his throat a bit. "I suggest you find somewhere to stay for a while. I know you are still recovering but you might want to get out of the city."

"Perhaps with your mum?" Brian suggested but the idea of being away from Roger when all this was happening made him sick.

"And put her in danger? No thank you," Roger sighed and leaned back, tapping nervously on the armrest.

Freddie raised a finger in the air, his eyes brightening a bit. "I have an idea. There is this farm I know of. It's in the middle of nowhere. There aren't any major roads or towns nearby. Think of it; no people, television or newspapers."

"So we would just milk cows and feed chickens?" Roger bit out.

"Of course not dear, don't interrupt me. The farm is also a recording studio. We go and record our new album there," Freddie grinned at his idea. "The safety is just an added bonus."

That sounded truly amazing. A farm where they could keep their eye on Roger and help him get better. They could also write music, something he knew Roger desperately missed. He could see the blond thinking it over and finally he nodded.

"Fine. We'll go be proper farm boys," he agreed.

Brian tried not to let his sign of relief be audible.

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