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Fléctere si néqueo súperos Acheronta movebo - If I cannot move heaven, I will raise hell-Vigil, Aeneid


They were created with love, made to serve and protect, each having a task to bring about, something special to make the world a better place. They each had a task of their own, and a task in common: To obey. To honour.

Honour thy creator as they walked along grounds of pure intentions, or so they thought. Alas, corruption exists everywhere. Freedom should exist everywhere, but...

What really is corruption?

They learnt the real life. What it was like to live. What it was like to desire. To love and be loved. They learnt freedom by breaking the rules and creating new ones. Rules that allowed them to experience without reprimands and without having to keep in mind what they were. They were born into a heir that shed light, one that wanted freedom, one that had power.

Still, thy creator didn't approve, and made all things fall.

They fell. They sinned.

Did they really?...

A mentor that sinned because of rebelling against rules.

A boy with hair as white as snow cast out because of helping someone else.

One who fell in love.

Another one who felt too much.

A boy that felt too little.

One by one, they endured the rage of they creator. He was no father to them, their father had been cast out before. One by one, they endured the pain of having a piece of them torn from their body, ripped out of their bones. One by one, they fell. Wandering alone in a world in which they still were outcasts. Strangers. And yet, they managed to fall in love with that unknown world, because at the end of the day...

Love wins every battle.
Woefully, at what cost?

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