Yona's Death

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Two days later, on the eve of the ceremony, Soo-won called me to have tea. I hadn't seen him as much due to the preparations. He and I had ceremonial garments measured and made, I had to write letters and invitations to the noble families, while he worked on his speech and made a work plan for the first things he wanted to do as a king. I hardly left my room anymore, due to the work and sort of depression, so he had noticed and called me over. Soo-won was waiting for me at the south garden's gazebo, where I had to stop and stare at him for a moment.

His hair was reflecting the light of the moon perfectly, giving him an ethereal glow as he sipped tea, surrounded by the blooming jindalae in the garden. Once he saw me, he smiled, closing his eyes in the process. "Come, princess," he called, motioning to the seat in front of him. Returning the smile, I walked towards him, sitting in the empty stool as he served me a cup of tea. "Have you eaten today? Ahi mentioned you left most of your food yesterday," he mentioned as he handed me the cup. "Ah, I felt uneasy yesterday, for some reason. But I ate today." "That's good," he smiled, "I don't want you unwell. Your well-being comes first to me, my princess."

His words caused me to blush a little, getting flustered. "Yours comes first to me, too. Are you exited for tomorrow? Is there anything you need?" I took a sip of the tea, waiting for him to answer. "Everything is ready, and I'm a bit anxious." Before he could continue to say anything else, we were interrupted. "Lord Soo-son, Princess Vienna." "What is it, advisor Kye-sook?" The dark haired man bowed, and said, "Though I hate to interrupt you on the eve of an important day, the son of General Gang Soo-jin, chief of the Fire Tribe, insists on seeing you." We looked at each other, putting down the cups. "We'll be right there," I said, and Kye-sook left.

The soon-to-be king held my hand as we walked through the halls, always followed by Ahi, until we reached Tae-jun in the main hall, where he let go of my hand. "We're sorry to have kept you waiting, Lord Tae-jun. What brings you here today?" The lord's robes were a bit tattered and dirty, and he himself bore bruises on his face. His eyes were teary, and shone with the moonlight that seeped through the windows. Immediately, a pit on my stomach formed. "I apologize for coming at such an hour, on the night before the coronation. I have come because there is something I must give you." He reached into his coat, taking out something wrapped in a white cloth.

Tae-jun approached me, handing me the object. I looked at Soo-won, whom motioned me to open it. My gut feeling was correct, as when I unwrapped the object, a lock of my sister's hair was tied inside it. My eyes widened, and I looked at the Fire Tribe man, whom said, "Princess Yona is dead." He bowed and continued, "In the mountains that separate the Wind and Fire Tribe's lands... I cornered General Hak and Princess Yona. Just when they were within my reach, they fell into the valley." Wide eyed, I stared at the lock of hair of the person I'd loved my whole life, trying to process the news.

"What? They fell from those cliffs? Lord Soo-won instructed you to contact him the moment you found them. Instead, you cornered and killed Princess Yona. This is treason!" Kye-sook exclaimed, waiting for us to answer. "Please, punish me..." Tae-jun whispered, looking at me. Since I didn't respond, Soo-won told him to rest at the castle and attend the coronation tomorrow. "Come, Princess," he took the lock of hair from me, and proceeded to lead me to his chamber by my shoulders. Tae-jun kept screaming to punish him, with Kye-sook and Ahi holding him back so he didn't follow us.

When we made it to his room, I couldn't help but burst into tears. Ever since Soo-won told me what happened, I had wished it was just a misunderstanding. That Yona had nothing to do with the murder, and that Hak had kidnapped her. Heck, I even wished and hoped that everything was just an accident, that even Hak was innocent. But now, I had nothing left to believe on but the fact that, at being cornered, my sister and her bodyguard jumped to their deaths. They had decided that it was better to jump to their deaths than face the consequences of their actions.

That night, I just cried. Soo-won hugged and consoled me the whole time, making sure I didn't do anything stupid. He made me drink water to stay hydrated, and when I stopped crying, staying just silent, he made me lay in bed with him. "It'll be okay," he said, pulling me closer to him, allowing me to lay over his chest. "I'm here for you." His heart beat and breathing were able to calm me down just enough to drift off into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning, we were both woken up by a maid loudly opening the door of the room. "My lord, time to get up-" she stopped in her tracks as we locked eyes, and she immediately started stuttering. "P-princess Vienna! Pardon m-my intrusion!" she bowed, and my slow brain then realized that I wasn't in my own chambers, remembering that I fell asleep with Soo-won. I looked to my side, only to see the drowsy eyed lord sitting up with a yawn. "It's alright. Please prepare the baths," Soo-won said, and the maid immediately bowed, running out of the room. I didn't really have the energy to care about the gossip that will ensue from that interaction, so I ignored it and proceeded to sit up.

"How are you feeling?" the brunet asked, caressing my cheek. "A little better," I gave him a smile, nuzzling into his hand. He returned the smile, and we both went to take a bath. The baths were divided by gender, so I soaked for a little while until Ahi walked in. "Princess Vienna, Elder Mundok has arrived. The next general is with him." "Oh? Who is it?" I asked, exiting the bath. "Tae-woo, one of the guards in Fuuga." The maids proceeded to dress me in formal ceremonial attire for the coronation, and I headed towards the courtyard with Ahi trailing behind.

I stood at the top of the palace stairs as the ceremony began. The noble families each stood to the sides as Soo-won entered, and even from where I was, holding the crown, I could hear them all gossiping. I placed the crown over his head, giving him a small smile. Then, we both turned towards the people. "With the approval of the five tribes, King Soo-won is crowned the Sky Tribe's eleventh king of the Kingdom of Kouka, until I, princess Vienna of Kouka, am of age to rule," I exclaimed to the masses, with everyone awing. The five Generals then climbed the stairs, bowing to us one by one.

"Your Highness, my new king. I congratulate you on your coronation. On behalf of all my people, I pledge to you the absolute loyalty of the Fire Tribe." The Fire tribe pretends to support the royal family, but their eyes are always on the throne. The earth tribe submits to a powerful master, and the water tribe waits to see how things go. And finally, the wind tribe, whom even if they've been quiet since we put pressure on them, they have many strong warriors trained by Mundok. There's no telling when they will learn about Hak's death and bare their teeth. The crowning of a new king will draw the attention of the Kai Empire, and the Shin Empire.

Soo-won's first goal is to unite the divided clans in order to bring peace. Or so, I have learned through study. Mundok caught my attention as he spoke, "Your highness, as you know there is currently no priest within the castle. However, the gods above are watching. They will see what you accomplish, on the backs of what sacrifices, as will this old man. Only after I see that will I join the late King Il." After this, the new king started his speech, and the crowd acknowledged him as the new king. It was only a matter of time until the Kingdom would be restored to its rightful glory.

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