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I lounged in the grass as I watched the pair who were fighting. Sweat ran down their faces and they were both breathing heavily. The clash of metal on metal filled my ears, and I looked past the two sparring and into the depths of the forest behind them.

I longed to run through the forest as a storm raged around me. But the next storm wasn't for at least a week.

Sighing I turned my attention back to the fight before me just as Anen knocked Kethean to the ground, he was out cold.

"Tiathal." The teacher said, pointing to the boy on the ground. I pushed myself off the ground, and gracefully walked over to Kethean's unconscious form.

"Sanabitur." I whispered, I felt the magic as it left my hands and Kethean stirred, waking up.

"Thanks." He muttered, getting up and resheathing his sword.

I didn't say anything, I just got up and walked back to my place on the ground. Several pairs of eyes followed me as I did this.

Elves value power in mates, and I was one of the most powerful of my time. I had the power of healing and the ability to manipulate the elements. Not to mention I was the next in line for the throne.

I was also, however, betrothed. To a member of the Aleanrae, the Powers of Light. They were our most powerful Warriors and the most ancient line of nobles.

"Tiathal, your up next. Along with Daesan." The instructor said, waving us both forward.

I walked up there, confident. Although I wasn't aloud to be a Warrior, that didn't mean I couldn't fight.

I stood about five feet away from Daesan, who was smirking at me. "You can back out now, Princess. No one would blame you." His smirk grew wider exposing his perfect white teeth.

I smirked back, and raised an eyebrow. "Same goes for you."

This seemed to anger him, because his smirk faded. In its place was a look of determination. There was an angry light in his dark eyes.

I pulled out my two daggers and held them in my hands rogue style, bouncing a little on the balls of my feet.

Daesan pulled out his rapier and swung it elegantly, creating arcs in the air.


I made a move towards him, feigning left. When he went for me, I circled and attacked his exposed right side.  Punching with the hilt of a dagger. Then I danced out of the way before he had a chance to react.

He turned to face me, anger burning in his eyes. I smirked. "You can always give up, save yourself some embarrassment."

He swung at me, but it was sloppy. Lunging forwards and dodging the blow hit his sword hand with the hilt, making his grip falter.

Using this to my advantage, I slipped the hilt into his palm as if handing it to him. Then I twisted the dagger and the rapier came out of his hand altogether. I caught the blade and stepped back, smirking at the astonished look on his face.

I sheathed my daggers, and flipping the rapier, handed it back to Daesan holding it by the blade. He took it and sheathed it, the anger of losing almost visible on him.

"Hey, its just training, no hard feelings?" I held out my hand to him, but he slapped it away. The noise caused the Warriors who protected me to start rushing forward, but I held up my hand.

"I don't lose ever." There was a warning in his voice, and I resisted the urge to laugh. Then he stalked off, two elves following him as he went.

My Arrogant, Elven Mate(On Hold Until I Get Inspiration)Where stories live. Discover now