Feelings out in the open

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"Are you still awake?" Kiba asked.

"Yeah, can't sleep."

Kiba walked over and sat on the bed.

"Why can't you sleep?"

"Just have too much on my mind,"

"Like what?"

"Sasuke stopped by a while ago, he said that I won't be accepted in the village and I shouldn't be trusted."

"Ah don't worry about him, he doesn't trust anybody. He's always been such a sourpuss and cocky and hates everyone."

"Seems like you don't like him very much,"

"Basically every guy in the Leaf hates him,"


"Because when we were in the academy he got all the girls swooning over him and he didn't pay any attention. He's still has all the girls wrapped around his finger and doesn't care leaving no girls for guys like me. He always thought he was better than everyone also and during the war he was saying how he was going to be Hokage and fought with Naruto. The village was crazy for accepting him back into the village."

"Sounds like you're jealous of him. Mostly because he got all the girls."

Kiba blushed at her comment and turned away.

"Awe is someone blushing?"

"You know how to push my buttons,"

"Yeah, it's amusing."

Silence fell between the two. Almeria laid back down staring up at the ceiling as Kiba stared into space.

"What are you thinking about?" Kiba questioned breaking the silence.

"Why did you keep saving me?"

Kiba was stunned at her question not expecting it. Almeria shifted so she was laying on her side and stared at Kiba waiting for an answer. Kiba was at a loss for words.

"Well? You had to of had a motive to save me so what is it?"

"Uh well..."

"Well what?"

"It wasn't right to leave you out there to die; it's not what we do in the Leaf village."

Almeria gave him a strange look. She saw right through his lies.

"Then why didn't anyone else save me? I know that Naruto could've saved me too. He's a nice guy and if the Leaf shinobi were like that then he would've done it too. Maybe even Shikamaru. So why only you?"

Kiba cursed under his breath for her being so cunning. She could see there was another motive but he didn't want to say it.

"Uh they were too tired, they were talking about how it wasn't right."

"Hmm well if that were true and they were thinking about it, then why did you release me? You could've easily thrown me in the village jail or put me in a shed or something. You're not telling me the truth Kiba; you're dancing around the real answer."

"Hey well you saved me, so what was YOUR motive?"

"Changing the subject eh? Well I save you because you've saved my life three times. I still owe you for two more times."

"Riiiiight, well I have to go. I can hear Naruto asking about me." Kiba said leaving the room.

Almeria watched him leave shaking her head. She knew why he saved her, she just wanted to hear it herself. She knew Kiba had feelings for her. She found it entertaining pestering him about it and watching him struggle. She curled up into a ball trying to ignore the pain that she was feeling. Her arm started to then feel numb; she didn't know if that was a good or bad thing but she didn't really care. All she wanted to do was sleep but it wasn't coming to her. She tried to listen for everyone else but they were all on the deck. It wasn't that late so no one was getting ready for bed yet. After a few minutes she started to fall asleep still wondering about what will happen in the leaf village.

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