Journey to her judgement

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Sorry for the wait guys, i havent had a lot of time to myself. I hope you like this chapter, not much really happens in it.

The following night Almeria was up on the deck of the ship watching the stars.

"Huh, seems like we're ahead of schedule." Almeria said.

"What do you mean?" Shikamaru questioned.

"It seems like we'll reach land within a few hours."

"Yes! Ichiraku ramen here I come!" Naruto cheered.

"Finally we can go home," Kiba sighed.

"When will we be able to see land?" Neji asked.

"Very soon, if we didn't have..." She glanced over at her former crew... "The prisoners, then we would've been able to run on the water getting there faster."

Kiba noticed Almeria's change in tone in her voice. He saw the way she looked at her crew and saw that she was still emotionally attached to them. Almeria left the deck to go into the kitchen. There were some fish on the table that the boys had caught last night. It has been awhile since she ate and she was looking for something to eat. She didn't have a fire chakra nature and she knew she wasn't going to ask Sasuke to make one after the incident in her room. She had all the right materials to make sushi but she wasn't really good at making it.

"Hey are you alright?" Kiba said as he entered the kitchen.

"I'll be fine, I'm just hungry."

"I'm not surprised you are, you haven't eaten since we brought you to the Frost village and that was a few days ago."

"I wasn't really worrying about eating at the time. I knew what was coming and I didn't have an appetite."

"Well then what about when you were on the ship?"

"Too nervous,"

"Well let's find you something to eat."

"If you can convince Sasuke to make a fire that would be nice. I can make something out of it."

"One fire, coming right up!"

Kiba then hurried out of the room fetching Sasuke. He soon came back with an annoyed Sasuke.

"What do you need me to do?" Sasuke asked irritated.

"Make a fire so we can eat?"

"We? Don't you mean her?"

"Shut up, just do it."

"Fine," He sighed.

Sasuke made hand signs and blew fire into the stove which is just a pile of sticks creating a fire. Sasuke then left leaving Kiba and Almeria alone. Almeria put a fish on a pan for herself.

"I'm fine now, you can go."

"I know you're not alright, I saw the way you look at your former friends."

"Fine, I'm not alright. So what?"

"Do you want to talk about it?"



"I just don't okay? Now leave me alone."

"Okay okay, I'll leave."


Kiba was hurt but Almeria had to get him out of the kitchen. She didn't want anyone to bother her and get her to talk about herself and what she's feeling. She didn't want to let anybody in but Kiba was getting to her. She told him about her past but never wanted anyone to know. She looked at the fish and saw that it was ready to be eaten. She ate silently in the kitchen not wanting to be bothered by anyone. Once she was done she needed to do something. She needed closure. She went out of the kitchen and to where her former crew was being held captive. She looked around not wanting to be caught then entered the room.

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