New Kids (Blue Oak)

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     Blue didn't like them all that much, they were too annoying. 

     Reminded him to much of himself, and they always got more attention than was recommended for even celebrities. And some took it really bad, Blue felt bad for them, he knew what it was like to be the center of attention. But others... oh the others where just so stuck up he couldn't stand it. 

      The new kids this year were really weird, or at least Blue had heard that. One of them had blond hair that reached slightly past his shoulders and looked like he could steal everyone's girlfriend, or boyfriend for that matter. He looked about 13 but Blue knew he had to be closer to 15 for this grade. This kid was kinda short and very skinny, he had green eyes that looked like they had a lot of eyeliner, but Blue knew somehow that it was natural, just like his. He had a slightly more feminine body type, meaning a thiner waist and... yeah.

        The new kid was obsessed with stoping pokemon abuse but sometimes enforced it with violence. It was weird. He also apparently knew Blake, from some sort of job or something. Blue had heard them talking in the hall about what specific placement they each had and what their assignments were. Blue had heard that the new kid was a fire/dark trainer and didn't know how he felt about it.

       Another kid was less of a kid and more of a teenager. She actually looked about 19 but Blue guessed she was around 16. She was pretty but had a kind of holier-that-thou attitude. Blue knew her name was Mitsumi but knew basically nothing about her otherwise. She had a lightning bolt shaped green ponytail, Wally and N immediately where fans of her after noticing it. She also had green eyes, and was skinny and tall but was what Gold would call 'sexy'.  She was a really strong fire type trainer but rathered to show off in ways that more refined her beauty and intelligence. Blue guessed it had to do with some kind of horrible past or something.           

        And a third kid had blond hair too, but orange eyes, he had a much different style of putting the hair. It was stuck up like cat ears, or devil horns, but honestly looked a lot better than it sounded at first. This guy was extremely sure of himself, and had the stuff to back it up but seemed to have some kind of problem with going all out on anything. He was also skinny, but not really 'sexy'. Gold had said he was a little hot but not even close to what the first were. The new boy looked around 18 or 19 but again was probably closer to 15 or 16. He was a grass type trainer by skill but Blue could feel some fire under his skin. It was an extremely weird aura to give off but Sabrina, Lance, Yellow, and N had all agreed with Blue at this point.

         The last new person wasted no time telling people everything about him, he seamed annoying but genuinely nice at the same time. It was a combo ready for a lot of hate and love. This boy's name was Hareta, and well, to say the least Hareta loved food. He wasn't overweight or anything, but he was less skinny than the other 3 new kids. He had short-ish dark brown hair and dark green eyes, he was also pretty short. He had blabbed that they were all from Sinoth and that 3 of them had been different before, but a pokemon attack had given them different forms. Blue was okay with this, the same had happened to him, Blue or Gary but because Gary looked stupid Blue preferred himself. 

          Hareta had also spit out that one of the kid's old names had been Pearl but now it was something else. Hareta had been Diamond, and he did like to be called Dia still sometimes. Hareta was a water type trainer, but didn't fit in with any other water type people, he was more like a typical grass type trainer. And oh yeah, did I forget to mention that he prefers to run around in nothing but underwear than anything else? Complete nut job.

            Blue blinked, the teacher was calling his name. He had no idea what the teacher had been saying. "Blue?" The teacher asked again. She sounded concerned weirdly. "Uh, T-E-R-R-I-F-I-E-D," he felt a little part of him die as he said that.

             "Good to know you were paying attention," said the teacher sarcastically,  "I was asking to know how you were doing in your grades, but emotionally is fine too," Blue felt himself begin to blush. Beside him the-boy-who-had-been-Pearl blew out a breath, "Woo, brutal," Blue glared at him and the-boy-who-had-been-Pearl turned away looking downcast. 

               "Blue!" Yellow whispered looking slightly mad, "Don't do that! It's hard to begin in a new school. He's just trying to get along! Give him a chance please," She leaned back to her work as the teacher looked their way. "Remember that," Yellow murmured, not looking up.

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