Planet #3

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"Eli, you gotta get up," I hear. I groan because I had a good sleep. It was nice, I enjoy sleeping. But when I wake up, I feel tired. When I finally opened my eyes, I see my mommy. She gives me a soft smile and I smile back. Even though there's barely any light, I can see the twinkle in her eyes when she looks at me. "Good morning, baby."

"Good morning," I say back. I sit up as she grabs my slippers and helps me put them on. I put on the clothing my mommy put out of me. There was a white long sleeve shirt, a black t-shirt with writing on it. With the blue jeans, I think it looks great.

I brush my teeth and sprayed my hair with this hairspray. I brushed my hair and it looked like I just took a shower. Downstairs, there was a bowl of cereal. I sat on one of the milk crates that were at the table, right across from my mommy. I have my stuff animal in my hand. On the label it said it was a panda bear. I have never seen one, but I hope one day I can. This one has a red sweatshirt on it. It could be taken off, but I don't want to.


There's a sound, scaring mommy and me. "What's that?" I asked, she looked at me with a smile. "Nothing baby. Absolutely nothing."

I didn't feel that safe like I usually do. It seemed like she was not telling the truth. But mommy wouldn't lie to me. Not at all.

There was another noise. A siren.

"Come on, baby. We gotta go," she tells me quickly. I don't why, but I can't awkward. She puts out her hand and I accept it and we walk out of the house.


There was screaming, yelling. Chaos. What's going on?

There's people on the ground with red around them or on them. "Mommy, why are they laying down?" I ask her. She looks at the bodies and had a look on her face. Like she was scared. "Are they sleeping?" I ask her.

"That's one way to put it," she answers. I nodded. I questioned the other way to put it. Maybe they are tired so they are resting.


I heard it again, and this time there was a shooting pain. I didn't say anything, she woulf have worried more than she is now.

We keep walking until we reach a pod. Mommy has one and she crouches down to my level and looked me dead in my eyes. She gave a small smile quickly, no twinkle.

"Okay, baby. Here's what's going to happen; you will go into the pod and you will be on a planet called Earth. It'll be okay," she tells me. Wait, isn't she coming with me?

"Aren't you coming?" I ask quietly.

"No. You'll be on your own. Everything will be okay, I promise."

She gave me a kiss on my forehead and a hug. She then kissed my panda bear on the head and I giggle a little bit. She gave her back. I hug my panda bear close and went into the pod. I sat down in the chair and my mommy buckled me into the chair and closed the lid. It was clear so I could see her. She smiled and there was a twinkle, even in a situation.

The pod started going up. I could see my house from that high. At least I think it was my house. I'm not sure, I was really far up. People looked like tiny insects from high up. It was kinda cool. But then I saw a dome of fire looking thing. It made a boom sound.

I think there's a problem. A really bad one. I'm leaving home without my mommy. I wish she came with me, I don't wanna be alone. My vision became blurry as tears fell. I hug my panda bear closer to me. I didn't name her yet. Is it a her?

I call my panda a her because my mommy is a girl, the one who sold my panda to me was a girl. My best friend, Anna is a girl.


Anna the Panda!

I like that. Her name is Anna now, just like my best friend Anna.

After awhile, I got outside of my planet. I could see it's sphere-like shape. There were stars. I liked stars. Mommy would look outside my window and stare at the stars and the two moons in the sky.

I saw both of the moons and it looked beautiful. I got to see the blue moon and the red moon. They look better from here than they did from my room.

One thing me and mommy didn't do was read books. That was for daddy. Daddy read to me for awhile. Then he said he had to go for awhile, for our planet. I never got to seem him afterwards. I guess I might not seem in until I get back, maybe then I'll see it again when I get back.

He told me a poem that was in one of the books he had. It was a book full of poems. This one stuck with me. I don't understand it. I really don't get it.

"Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice Is also great

And would suffice"

Fire and Ice, Robert Frost.

Mommy has ice powers. Will she end the world if it had to end twice? I think Grandpa Yox controls fire. He's too nice to end the world. I think the poem is wrong. Robert Frost? Did he end the world the second time? I'd ask these questions to daddy and he'd laugh. He would tell me "You'll understand one day".

I don't like that. Which day? Which day will I get it?

Earth is far. I'm leaving the galaxy! It looked funny. The new galaxy looked kinda like mine. There was a sun, like mine. I got closer and closer until I started going down, not straight.

1 planet, 2 planets, 3 planets.

This planet must be Earth. It would be weird if it wasn't. It's planet #3.

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