Chole Ella Tribbiani

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Joey's pov

16 years ago
I looked at that test with my eyes wide and my mouth open. I never thought I would be so lucky. I saw my friends all get married and have babies and sure I have recently been able to get married to the girl of my dreams Ella Marie Holiday. No one saw someone like me getting married but when your in love you know. Those 2 lines on that test brought a smile to my face. Phoebe had 3 babies for her brother which is such an amazing thing to do, it funny how after being a father you realise how amazing it is when you bring a life into the world and look at Emma she is beautiful and Ben and Monica and Chandlers twins Erica and Jack. It's now my turn to do this. I can do this. We can do this. I can be a dad. I can't wait to be a dad.

JELLA Baby dairy

4 weeks- The fertilized egg, known as a zygote, is a ball of 32 cells that's about the size of a poppy seed. It's at this stage that the cells separate into three distinct layers from which the baby's internal organs and skin will develop.

5 weeks- The ball of cells now resembles a tadpole and is as big as a peppercorn. The creation of the brain, spinal cord, heart, and blood vessels is already well under way.

6 weeks- Our little one has tripled in size and is protected by amniotic fluid. Although it's grown by leaps and bounds, it's still only about the size of a pomegranate seed.

7 weeks- Our baby is now about the size of a small blueberry. It's arm buds, which formed last week, now look like paddles.

8 weeks- Our baby is about the size of a raspberry. It's hands and feet have webbed fingers and toes. Soon this extra tissue between his digits will be reabsorbed to reveal individual fingers and toes.

9 weeks- Our baby has graduated from embryo to fetus—and is now about the size of a cherry. The digestive tract and reproductive organs are formed, but it's still too early for even a skilled technician to tell whether you're having a boy or a girl.

10 weeks- Our baby is about the size of a kumquat and can stretch his spine. It's eyes and eyelids are more developed and it's eyebrows are beginning to grow.

11 weeks- Our baby is about the size of a fig. From now through week 20 of the pregnancy, it'll increase 30-fold in weight and triple in length.

12 weeks- Our baby is almost three inches long now, about the size of a plum. Fingernails, toenails, and bones are forming, and a fine layer of hair covers most of the body. We also told auntie Rachel, auntie Phoebe, auntie Monica, uncle Ross and uncle chandler today and our other family.

13 weeks- Our beautiful baby is the size of a Meyer lemon this week—and the vocal cords are beginning to develop.

14 weeks- As we enter your second trimester, the baby is the size of a peach. All of its internal organs formed during the first trimester, and they will continue to mature from now until it's born.

15 weeks- The baby is now the size of an apple. It's brain now controls all the muscles in it's body; it is able to move. Yes, it'll even do somersaults! But cause this is our first baby, Ella will probably won't feel it moving for several more weeks.

16 weeks- The baby is now the size of an avocado—and it can make a fist and even suck it's thumb.

17 weeks- The baby is now the size of an pear. It has hiccupped before, and this is the first time Ella and I could feel it.

18 weeks- Your baby is now about the size of a sweet potato—and her tiny fingers now have unique fingerprints! Yes we found it we are having a baby girl and we are so excited. My little princess.

19 weeks- she is now about the size of a mango. Her legs are now longer than her arms, and she's started giving little "hello" jabs at regular intervals.

20 weeks- She is now the size of a banana. She may have thin eyebrows and is sprouting some hair on her head.

21 weeks- She is as long as a carrot, and his skin now responds to touch. If we put pressure on Ella's belly, she'll move away or push back.

22 weeks- She is the size of a papaya. Her lungs are developing rapidly, and they will begin making a protein called surfactant, which will help her breathe independently once she's born.

23 weeks- She is as big as an eggplant. Her brain and hearing are more developed this week, and she's beginning to recognize our voices.

24 weeks-She is as long as an ear of corn. Her nostrils are opening now for "practice breathing"; she'll go through the same motions of real breathing but inhale amniotic fluid instead of air.

25 weeks- She is the size of an acorn squash. She's developing a firm grasp and may reach out and grab the umbilical cord. She can also stick out her tongue!

26 weeks- She is nearly as long as a zucchini. Her eyebrows and eyelashes are well-defined; plus, she has more hair on her head this week.

27 weeks- She is now the size of a cauliflower. At this point, she may be able to distinguish between Ella's voice and my voice.

28 weeks- She is the size of a kabocha squash, and she is beginning to open her eyes and blink.

29 weeks- She is the size of a large butternut squash. Her skin is still wrinkly, but as fat accumulates, she will fill out.

30 weeks- She is the size of a large cabbage. She has cycles of sleeping and waking. After 30 to 90 minutes of snoozing, she may give Ella a kick to let you know she's awake.

31 weeks- She is about as long as a bunch of leeks, and she will now gain as much as a half pound per week until she's born.

32 weeks- She is the size of a Napa cabbage. Because her taste buds are developed, she may acquire a preference for the foods you eat, which she samples when she swallows amniotic fluid.

33 weeks- She is the size of a pineapple. Lanugo, the fine hair that covered her entire body and helped keep her warm as she developed, is starting to disappear, but there might still be patches of it on her shoulders and back.

34 weeks- She is the size of a cantaloupe. Her bones are fully developed by now, and she's turning her head, pirouetting, and moving her body from side to side.

35 weeks- She is the size of a honeydew melon. In preparation for birth, she is now upside down in Ella's uterus.

36 week- She is now the size of a head of romaine lettuce, and her wrinkly suit of skin is filling out as she gets plumper.

37 weeks- She is as long as stalk of Swiss chard. Because she's running out of room in the uterus, she mostly stretches and wiggles, instead of delivering big kicks.

38 weeks- She is the length of a stalk of rhubarb. Connections are forming in her brain that will help her swallow and even sleep better once she's born.

39 weeks- She now weighs as much as a small pumpkin. At this point, she has shed most of that white creamy substance called vernix and the fine, fur-like hair called lanugo that has covered her skin since the middle of your second trimester.

40 weeks- By the time she's born, your baby may be watermelon-size. You're expecting to give birth this week, but don't worry if your baby decides to stick around a little longer. Many first babies are late, and she'll be worth the wait—we promise!

24th December 2003 our little Chloe Ella is born at 12:45pm weighing 6 pounds exactly. The best present me and Ella could ever get for Christmas.

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