Sockie's first 48 hours

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She's here. She's finally here looking like such an angel. I have never loved anyone as much as I love her. She is the love of my life. She is the most precious thing in my life. My baby girl my world.

Chloe: hey guys, we are all super tired we had baby Sockie and we are now in the recovery room for 24 hours. We have so many present around the room but here is little Sockie *points camera at her* she's so cute my little girl. We are just doing skin to skin right now. My feet are so swollen and I'm still in some slight pain but I don't even care I am just in love with my baby girl she is so cute. She is just knocked out asleep so we are probably going to put her in the crib and get some sleep ourselves.
Patrick: yeah I'm low key jealous I'm so tired
Joey: it gets worse from here eyes you will never sleep again.
Chloe: looking forward to that *laughs*

Chloe: it's going to take Patrick 2 hours to get her dressed she so scared to hurt her it's so cute guys. She's so tiny.
Patrick: I've never see a baby so tiny before the babies in my family are massive
Chloe: he's so sleep deprived too bless
Joey: I think we all are
Chloe: yeah my dad has stayed with us the whole time he's truly been amazing
Joey: I don't wanna miss a second of my granddaughters first day on this earth.
Chloe: aww

Chloe: she's loves me more than you Pat see *moves sockie mouth gently* hey my name is Sockie and I love my mommy more than my daddy because she has nice boobs
Patrick: *laughs* no she's a daddy's girl
Chloe: she's supposed to love me more I birthed her *pulls sad face* it's so unfair

Chloe: we are officially now signing the birth certificate... Pat how does it feel to be a dad.
Patrick: happiest day of my life
Chloe: little Sockie is officially welcomed into this world I'm officially a mama.

Chloe: we are ready to be discharged and pat is very annoyed because some of the nurse not all but some of the nurses have been complete assholes to us. We aren't sure if it's because of our age or they are just assholes in general but they just weren't nice people. My company is gone their baby was crying all night I felt so bad for them so luckily it didn't wake up my little one she slept good though the night got up for feeds and stuff but mostly all good.

Chloe: we are walking out the hospital sweet girl well we are more being wheeled out by daddy. Say bye bye hospital, thanks for delivering me. I'll see you next time we a brand new video thank you more all the support during my pregnancy I love you guys bye.

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