My first Youtube video

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Hey YouTube, my name is Chloe Tribbiani and if you can't tell my the title I am 15 and pregnant and this is how I found out I was 15 and pregnant. I want to make weekly videos so I have someone to talk to also I want to document every bit of my pregnancy and I am starting a little late as I am 16 weeks pregnant. Better late then never. So I'm going to start my story. As I said I am only 15,my name is Chloe, I am not with the baby daddy but that's a long story that I will talk vainly. My dad is amazing and has been so supportive with my transition into parenthood. Basically I didn't plan to become pregnant and that's not me just saying that cause most people don't plan on that but it's happen and I'm trying to make a bad situation good. The reason I am saying it wasn't planned was because I was raped. I was at a party with my cousins and a met my baby's dad and he forced himself on me and now I'm here. I will go into further detail soon about that but in a later video.

When I found out I was so shocked and surprised I was pregnant. I had basically any red flags but now looking back I feel like going "bitch you dumb" I had bad morning sickness however I just thought I was having bad anxiety because of everything happening with the baby daddy. I missed my period but I though again it was down to stressed but then again I was craving tomato soup like crazy like guys tomato soup was my go to meal everyday. Besides that I was extremely light head to the point if I didn't hold onto something this bitch was going down. It was bad. Also I was really tired like I think I just slept for my first trimester. So yeah those were definitely sides of pregnancy that I completely missed. I was having cramps that completely threw me off like "I am going to actually start my period". Turns out that is an actual sign I was unaware off. That's your uterus growing. Fun. Those were the sides.

My dad told me to the doctors and then came the phone call that change my life forever. So yeah my dad found out before me as he was the one that picked up the phone. I literally just started crying. My dad grabbed me and hugged me, kissed me on the head and told me it was going to be okay. He talked to me about my plan and I was so unsure about what to do. Obviously I decided to keep my baby. So yeah that's my story. Thank you for watching if you like me subscribe and I'll see you with another video bye.

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