AJ has moved to a small town in California. She has a rough past and an unpredictable future. AJ may be filthy rich but she earned it. Did I forget to mention that AJ is a street fighter? Woops, must have slipped my mind. Well she goes by The Hood...
"You wouldn't be able to do it, even if we did challenge you." Tyler said. Once he did I whipped out my throwing knives that were hidden in my outfit, and threw them at him: two on either side of his head, two above his shoulders, one on each side of his waist, two next to his legs, and one between his legs.
"Oh, really?" I questioned.
"How the hell did you do that, that fast?" Blake asked.
"People want me dead. That is all I should have to say to make you understand." I started. "Now give me a gun."
"We should go outside first." Anthony said.
"Bring a machine gun too." I told them walking to the back yard. They got a few guns. They got a M14 EBR, G18, and a .44 Magnum.
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I told Jake to go towards the target and stand still no matter what happens. When he got there he faced us and stood still. I took the M14 EBR and loaded the whole thing. I then raised the gun and shot all around Jake not hitting him once. Everyone was so scared it looked like they were going to piss their pants.
I then I told them to set up seven cans around the yard. They set them kind of far away but still in eyesight. I took the .44 Magnum and shot all of them on the first try.
I took the G18 from Anthony and shot 5 birds out of the sky. They fell to the ground. The boys now saw what I could do with guns.
"Do you believe me now?" I asked. And I heard variations of yes.
"Now that I'm done it's Blake and Riders turn. We need to see if they're telling the truth too." I said. " Blake can write a poem while Rider does a painting to show to us, so we know that they're not lying also."
"What no way! I can't do it in front of people." Ryder said.
"And I need inspiration." Blake stated.
" Rider you can do it in your room. And Blake just do it about how you feel, or have felt." I told them.
"Fine." Ryder said while Blake just was thinking. We went into Riders room. And I started looking around like I was interested. I put my hand on one of his posters, which I was actually placing a camera, so that we know that he is painting it. We then let him get to work. We also let Blake get to work on his poem.
They came in saying they where done. Blake said he would go first.
Blake's poem
It's been a short life But it feels like forever. When you walked in I knew you where clever.
You pull at my heart But you don't know. And when you smile I want to go
Go anywhere Go anyplace As long as I Can see your face
If this is how it has to be I'll be your friend Just don't hurt me
It's been a short life But it feels like forever. When you walked in I knew you where clever
Clever enough to Rope me in It feels like I'm being Punished for a sin
When he finished we where all amazed. No one knew he was that good of a poet. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and told Ryder to show us his painting.
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(This is actually karlinmeehanstudios painting from Etsy. This is just what his, kind of looks like.)
We where all shocked. I guess we all have something we're hiding.
Hey y'all. How's it going? How do you like it so far? I know the poem wasn't very good and kind of sounded like a Dr. Seuss book, but it was the best I could do at 10 at night. Comment and vote if you like it please. Thanks y'all. P.s. my new book is published. It's called finding my way. Hope you like it.