how they are with dogs

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Dr.Flug- He's fine with dogs and enjoys their company. He doesn't really like big dogs since they could easily hurt him. He won't hesitate to experiment on a dog if needed. Like I said earlier he's fine with dogs, but they aren't his favorite animal. He would probably prefer something like a rabbit since you can just keep it in a cage and take it out of you want company.

Black Hat- He likes bigger dogs since they tend to be stronger. He hates puppies though. He would probably kick one the same way he kick 5.0.5. He likes Chihuahuas since they bark and annoy everyone, that is until they annoy him. Then he sends them to Flug, probably to get experimented on.

Demencia- She is the dog. Okay, not really but she would be around the next best thing. She loves dogs cause she fits in with them; mostly cause she likes to tear up stuff, go on walks, growl at people, and play fetch with an amputated arm. She would probably break something just to blame it on the dog.

5.0.5- DOG? WEAR? I NEED IT. He loves dogs deeply and thinks they're adorable in everyway. Especially small and fluffy ones. Heck, he even loves bigger dogs that most people tend to fear. Since Black Hat probably won't let them get a pet he uses Demencia as the next best thing. He would probably bake doggy treats.

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